New MK4 is out!

Be too stupid to use contraceptives and it’s easy… :sweat_smile:

Can you elaborate on your concerns with the XL?

I’m looking at options for replacing our printer at work and the XL seems like a leading candidate, currently, mostly on the back of build area and the tool-changer approach to filament changes seeming particularly flexible.

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Sigh! My plans to order in September for an October delivery aren’t looking too flash! :smiley:

Looks like I’m going to have to wait for the LR4 to try it out! :smiley:

It’s a goofy design. You do corexy for speed, but they never print fast because the open frame they went with isn’t stable enough. I also don’t think they’ve got the tool changing worked out yet. They only had a single extruder installed at rmrrf, and it was broken at the last mrrf. Though all my opinions are from seeing the preproduction models at conventions, so who knows, they might have all the kinks worked out by the time they start shipping.

Ok, good to know, thanks. Definitely interesting to have the perspective of someone who has seen one in the flesh, so to speak.
Speed isn’t that much of an issue for us so no drama there. I’m also operating under the assumption that the toolchanger will be working at launch (surely) and will be more reliable than the filament hot-swap systems (hopefully).

The single biggest concern so far is the lack of clarity around enclosure options because having larger print volume matters a whole lot less if the part warps itself into pieces mid-print. Our existing Up Box already does that on some of the more challenging prints.

Sounds like I’ll be holding off until there’s a bit more real-world feedback out there.

I wonder how much the weight of the extra tool changer bits and pieces costs them in terms of speed as well.

Come visit me on your tour through Europe and I am going to print you a part of your choice for the LowRider. :smiley:

Honestly I’d go with a voron if I were to buy a large format printer today. They have some quirks, but they have a pretty good design.

Yeah, I can definitely see the logic there.

Unfortunately, the Voron looks like a much harder sell for a workplace given the time investment in getting it running correctly. I have a RepRap Mendel style printer at home that I built myself from a kit and have tinkered with/modded a bit. At work we have a TierTime Up Box printer, largely because it ‘just works’, despite the ‘works’ part of that being a bit questionable at times.

The other obvious option is the X1 Carbon which a colleague has and seems pretty smitten with. For our purposes, we wouldn’t really be gaining any bed size over what we have now given that we’re still usually limited by the single longest dimension. I’m not super fussed by the speed of our current printer, it’s really having a few more material options and maybe getting away from some reliability issues at the moment.

I’ve got an awkward confession to make. This week I’m quite often checking in on my filtered emails and to look for updates on shipping… like a kid waiting for Christmas.


And for me, the kit delivery time is down to weeks now for new orders, even if it’s expressed as 8 of them which in my head is still a couple of months!

I think I’m still planning on an October delivery, but seriously the LR3 bits are just popping out so perfectly that if my wife didn’t think our grandson needed my Mk3s, I would be having second thoughts.

In the meantime I can be excited for YOU!


I got an email from Prusa today and got excited until I noticed it was for a bug report and its solution on GitHub. Boo! :pensive:

Currently shipping - From Week 25 (starts June 19th)
to Week 28 (starts July 10th)

They’ve got 12 more days to ship it… I NEED IT! I was one hour late for the date before that one. They have to take pity on me and ship by order number. It’s the summer holidays!! :sob:

I’ve payed less and less attention to the shipping. Not because I’ve lost interest, but because we’ve been going on summer vacation! We’re now in Denmark until next weekend. I’ve been playing with the thought of having it shipped here, to ease shipping costs and not needing to pay extra taxes and such (since Norways is outside EU). But right now I’m just afraid of jinxing anything with the order, so I’ll wait patiently. If it arrives while we’re away I’ll have some neighboors back home pick it up for us. Checking it on the plane together with all the other luggage is not very desirable… travelling with kids is no joke!

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But, that’s the only way to survive it. If you can’t laugh at them, you’ll end up throttling them. It’s either that, or a half-bottle of benadryl and a large dog crate…


Honestly - it’s been waaay over our expectations so far. They are starting to grow up, so things are so much easier now. (6 and 9 years old) Last night we were late eating dinner, and ended up at the international food court at Copenhagen Tivoli. Packed of people, food from all over the world, way past bed time, and the kids’ eyes were wide open and just absorbing their surroundings. They were zagzagging across the street on the way back home. Good riddance no cyclist hit them! The evening ended with a huge firwork from Tivoli, with a grand view from the hotel room.


Sounds like you’re having a great time!

Oh, did you think I meant the benadryl and dog crate were for your kids? That’s funny…

Well… it’s down to 3-4 weeks for the fully assembled version and still 7-8 weeks for the kit.

In terms of me ordering - we have 7 weeks till we get the medical OK to travel, then no doubt a few more before we can get our act together, so the original plan for an October delivery looks a bit hopeful. Maybe a Black Friday order! :o:


Same boat here. I keep feeling like I am leaving the house without something. We used to carry these big bags and now we don’t need any of it. It is so much more fun.

