New LR4 Build in Catalunya

eerrrrmmmm, does this mean that any device with Wi-Fi hardware can connect to the board via ESP module?
So device to board connection is via Wi-Fi but not through the router or anything, just as per Bluetooth, infrared, etc ???

Thanks, need to do some research now…I’m definitely getting behind in terms of technology :man_facepalming:

you can use BT, but its not as reliable



Unfortunately, FluiDD is not the same as FluidNC and the webui. Jackpot CNC Controller - V1 Engineering Documentation

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Thanks, done a quick reading and man I need a translator “software to plain human” I’ll have to read it a thousand times to catch up :man_facepalming:

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Nearly done with printing…hope the tool holder and dust collector hold well with PETG GF.
I only have the skirt left to print in TPU and start assembling.
Double check what I need and place the order at @Ryan for the plates, Jackpot and some other items.


@Ryan added items to the cart, but man, delivery cost is almost as much as items. I understand that coming from the states is a long way, but then I’ll have to add customs to this :worried: :man_facepalming:
The parts cost is around $128 and after delivery and customs this will rise to around $290.
Definitely need to find a cheaper way to source things over here in Europe.

Reduced order to the minimum needed and that reduced shipping costs.
Order placed @Ryan, no hurry !!!

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Ryan is the wrong tag, it’s @vicious1 . :slightly_smiling_face:

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International shipping, import taxes, and all that goes with it are very difficult. I have been at this a very long time now and I have tried many different methods. Currently, this is the best I can do.

With all that said, I am, and have been, working very hard for the last 6 months or so on a new solution. I do believe we might be ready very soon.


I know it’s not your fault @vicious1 been there before with LR2.
Anyway, I wanted to order directly from you. And yes, I know you’ve been doing your best at sorting this for a long time.
Thanks for your efforts in every part of this project, and thanks to those who helped test it and those who help others to accomplish the build of this machine.
Congrats to you all :wink:

Hah, saw it, too slow. :slight_smile: He also uses the Ryan account, but only because he got wrongly tagged often. But it seems he is not checking it regularly. :stuck_out_tongue:

I guess I was completely confused from back in 2020 when I thought Ryan was Ryan, if that makes any sense :rofl:

Yep, was trying to tidy my reply up…as you may have noticed, English is not my first language :+1:

You can just edit it. :slight_smile:

That’s what I was trying, but messed it all up trying to quote you, so I decided to delete it and start from new :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Core is done, now time to clean and rebuild ball bearings on the old rail carriages which I first need to find around my mess room.


Hello again everybody, is this the right orientation of gantry-table? I want to know it in order to label my motors, endstops, etc



Y0 is in the front (so at the bottom of your drawing), which does not change the general idea of your naming policy. :slight_smile:

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