Hi everyone again, I’m going to start printing and ordering parts for my new LR4 build.
Will printed parts benefit of doing it with PLA+CF ???
Anyone around in Europe to get the XZ parts done under agreement with @Ryan ? Otherwise, I’ll order other things too on V1 shop.
Can Jackpot board be used with the screen on the following link? Model is stated as good for Pi…I have it lying around and would like to use it.
Hola! Si vas a usarlo con esa pantalla tendrias que usarla a la par con una Raspberry pi 3/4 via wireless, mas a cuenta te saldria usarlo con alguna tableta que ya tengas.
I think the recommendation for the filament type is plain old vanilla PLA. Some of the additives for PLA like the carbon fibers, or the PLA+, PLA Pro etc. cause variations in its properties. I’m sure you could figure out how to compensate for those variations, but it might jeopardize the integrity of the machine.
I know the PLA-CF I have been using has noticeably diminished layer adhesion than my regular PLA. It looks fantastic for cosmetic/aethetic parts, but I have stopped using it all together for anything structural in any project. I’m sure it’s the particular brand, so not really complaining. If you’ve done your homework you might already know these details for your brand.
In short it probably add expense for something that might be as good.
The Jackpot board can be used with anything that can run a web browser. As Cesar said, almost any old tablet or old phone could do it as well. I run the files locally so I don’t use a separate sender for CNC routing. I do hook up Lightburn directly and the Jackpot works fine by USB for laser work.
I thought it would be strange to not have a screen on the machine, but I’ve found that it’s fine and a screen isn’t necessary. I’d caution against buying the screen until your machine is fully functional then decide if you think it still has a role.
Also - for what it’s worth - if you like the look of the PLA-CF, there are cosmetic panels for the sides that look awesome with that matte finish. Look up “Peter Panels”. I think Ryan has them on Printables as well.
Thanks, my PLA-CF seems to be fine on the side of layer adhesion, but you’re right fibers will only help in one tensile direction, so I’ve decided to keep for other projects that are not as demanding as a CNC.
Meanwhile, I’ll re-read the info on the Jackpot board as I think it’s what I’ll be using on this build; the Last LR I built was running on a SKR Pro 1.2 but if this one is better I’ll give it a go, even if it’s for the ease of use as I’m not too familiar with all this software and firmware thing, it’s the part that I hate most of any project, I just don’t feel comfortable but…
Thanks for your time.
Well, first printed part is out of the oven…printed at 0,24 layer 5 perimeters and 30% infill on a QIDi XPlus3. It took 8 hours and 43 minutes at a reasonable speed, didn’t want to push things too much, and I must say that it looks very nice and is massively sturdy.
Core print has been launch, print time will be 13 hours, 0,4 nozzle, 0,24 layers, 5 perimeters and 30%infill.
BTW while slicing I kept having a cantilever overhang warning…I dismissed it and went ahead…fingers crossed to see if I manage to print the Core at first attempt.
Could go way faster but don’t want to ruin the print while I’m in bed sleeping
I’d like to consider both options Ryan’s shop and Elecrow, depending on what I might end up ordering from Ryan (Need other things from him)
In case I end up buying Jackpot at Elecrow, would TMC 2240 work on this board? I have 5 of them at home from an unfinished project that I will never finish. Or is it better to stick to TMC2209?
if you buy from ryan’s store you will get your Jackpot with 5 2209 drivers, an ESP32 (programmed) and an SD card (if you selected to get one) so basically Plug&Play.
If you change the drivers (maybe) you will need to change something in the parameters from the config file, maybe someone more Knowledgeable can get you a better answer.
Finally this machine will be in a place where it won’t have access to either WiFi or Ethernet connection, I understand that in this case having a screen will be a must?!!!
I’ll finally order Jackpot from @Ryan , any ideas on what to look for re the screen?
I’m absolutely new to this world of Fluidd thingy, apart from seeing on the top of my screen when sending things and monitoring my 3D printer.
But how does the device connect to the jackpot board ?
Anywhere I can read information on how this works would be very appreciated.
I come from the SKR which made sense to me