New lowrider builder basic issues

With G38:

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Hi, i have been reading about adding a diode laser lo the lowrider, with the skr pro 1.2 i saw a post that says you should add a resistor, and a ss relay to make it work. Another thread just says you don’t need that and even you can connect the module directly into the board without using its own little control board (for power?) Im talking about the neje a40640 diode laser.

Also what changes have to be made to the firmware to make it work?

Resistor and SSR are nice to have but not mandatory with skr pro and Neje A40640.

I installed the resistor because i had it, but i was working great without it.
Didn’t installed the ssr yet.

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Thanks for the info. Did you had to change Anything in the firmware?

So yes. The lowrider V2 cnc Works. Now i can’t stop. Will never be doing things by hand!


Big bed 48*96 inches surfacing job is really a full time job:

Settings: 25.4 bit, @6mm/s with a 12mm stepover (around 48%) ESTLCAM PREVIEW: almost 13h JOB

In the other hand: started 3d printing the laser mount/holder to see if i can install the neje diode laser this weekend (if my primary job gives me the time). I thought neje modules had a focusing part included in the package but there wasn’t any

You adjust the lens position by unscrewing it partially, is what I assumed, looking at mine. I don’t have any manual for that though

I know. But they had in their webpage (not now) a small piece that was the exact measurement for the focus *for engraving

Printed the mount adapter. The neje piece doesnt works. What mount are you using?

For the LowRider2, I have a Makita RT0701C router, and base, so I was using @robertbu 's Makita base adapter. As I’m beta testing the LowRider3, that doesn’t work any more, so I have an alternate designed.

If you are using the DeWalt router, it would be a different adapter. There are many on Thingiverse that could do the job.

Im using a different router, i have the Bosch Colt palm router.

What is its bore diameter?

The Makita mount is 65mm, and clamps into the router base. Robert mixed in accomodation for an alignment pin and the adjustment gear that the Makita has, so it works well for that nount. Might not be too hard to adapt.

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No it shouldn’t.

This is my second try at engraving. The first one suffered from low power and it was backwards.

Just used some black tempera paint, 60% power. Tomorrow will be buying some mirrors that aren’t scratched as this one.

Will be building a new lowrider to cut other things. This one stays with just the diode laser on it!

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Here are some nice engraving of my bath mirror


Awesome ! What a so nice first laser project !
What speed and power did you use ?

2000 mm/min and 60% power in lightburn using line mode