The info for this is spread out over a long time and many threads. If you would like I can start to link them all here. @anttix and @jeffeb3 worked out an automated system for maintaining the firmware we use.
Quick highlights
- We get access to daily, bleeding edge builds for every single variation…for multiple Marlin branches as well.
- We get “releases” that I put a stamp on for that stable user experience.
- We get way more options for boards, endstops, setups, and configurations. Ease of use for advanced options…more to come.
- I don’t have to actually do as much work (fingers crossed) for each release.
- Firmware bin files come out pre-compiled for the SKR pro.
- Any real Marlin edits that cause an issue will be caught within 24hrs…no more trying to track down a several month old change.
The downside…We need you guys to flash and test them!!! Feel free to submit a Pull Request of just let us know here if you find any issues. I would really appreciate a little note saying what firmware you tried and what you did to test it.
“EG…V502,, small wood part milled, seems good to go”