New discourse forum, Questions, comments, and concerns

That’s a bit odd. It suggests the topics I’ve read average 40 posts per topic and the ones you’ve read average 80. Those both seem incredibly high.

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I wonder how many anonymous users are actually bots.

FWIW, at least the google ones are doing a good job. the v1 forums frequently come up in search results.


I am sure those numbers are funky from the import, and not being on this platform the whole time.

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Well crud. First update, first issue. The top link banner is broke…grrr.

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Fixed, hosting company is on point!

I have to take a second to thank you all. I am not sure what is going on but there are a ton of posts, I am trying to catch up but they are coming in fast…and 99% of the time all of you wonderful people have helped out already with an solid reply. Thank you all so very much for all the work you do around here.

Best forums ever!


IDK if it’s just because I’m sorting by latest, or what, but it seems like there is a lot more traffic here than the old forums.

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Right!?! I literally can not catch or keep up.

900 more than last week.

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I notice a fair number of first time posters starting with a necro-reply to older posts. And a general raising of the dead… I’ve been chalking it up to a functional search engine.


That should go away, there is an auto close set. I just don;t think it kicked in yet.

New feature, auto linked words, v1pi, sandify…and Barry!
No work needed on your part they are always linked!



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That still is a touchy subject on the Glowforge forum. When they first introduced auto closed, we grumbled because some posts should be read by new members and closed posts can be taken as not important. I understand there is a common understanding that some posts should just die and that’s it. Take the LinuxCNC topic that I’m putting on life support. Suppose I were to post a new topic. Then forum veterans would just put a link to the old post and say, read this and then not engage in the new topic because in their minds it has already been discussed. I often feel that the desire to keep old posts dead is just something that veteran forum users can hold over new members.

I know the smart money is on auto-closing because it is supposed to keep folks engaged and in fresh conversations. Still have a hard time understanding its utility.

The worst catastrophe in the history of the forum, other than every time they shifted delivery date another three months, was during a time when a few of us had read every post. Easy enough if you started at the beginning. Some enterprising tech decided to do a touch to all the old topics that had closed and suddenly we got unread counts of 10,000 plus. Not happy at all.


Interesting. Maybe I will turn that off.

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I’m personally against auto-close. Maybe only on certain sections like Updates and News or For Sale?

Definitely not on build threads, which usually sit dormant for a while after somebody has finished their build. What if I want to ask a question about how this person did something? Sure I could PM them but that is robbing the rest of the community of the information.


I will agree with the direction some forum vets are taking in urging some of the necro-posts to start their own thread, especially in the troubleshooting categories. It’s one thing to say “thanks guys, this solved my problem, too!” It’s another to say “I’m having similar issues, what else could be wrong?” It’s even worse during active troubleshooting of the original thread.

I don’t think you need to close threads. I think we can encourage better outcomes by telling people about selecting a solution for troubleshooting posts, and having people open their own threads. Same could go for the advice sections.



I do believe I have auto close off, and I have been moving posts and as you all climb the “trust” ladder you will be able to as well.


I’d give it some time to see how the new platform shakes out. There are some old posts that could be closed since closing can indicate that some of the information is no longer relevant. Starting new topics from old closed posts is possible but isn’t always a simple click through depending on your workflow for processing the forum.

Glowforge has a setting that closes some of the categories one month after the last post if no posts are added. I think that is a bit radical for here. They do this in the Problems and Support category mainly because their support team actively uses it for solving tickets. Otherwise a lot of the posts stay open.


What android app are people using with the new forum?

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I use regular chrome, tried the discourse app but It didn’t seem any different to me so I just went back.

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I used the discourse app, but I think it basically set up chrome. I do get notifications with the v1 logo though. Not sure if chrome does that. I also use firefox for most browsing (adblock on a phone? hell yes).

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I accepted when the forum page wanted to add a shortcut to home screen, and it now acts and appears as an app. Convenient!