New clear dust shoe design!

I have designed a dust collection system for my Portable Primo MPCNC. I use a clear cap from a can of spray acrylic as the “shoe” so that I can see the cutter while it is cutting. This design (inspired by I Simply Built It) is set to just above the workpiece and stays there; it does not move up and down with the spindle. I mounted it as close to the XY gantry pipes as possible to avoid a lever arm that would torque the Z core. I printed it with clear PETG. That comes out translucent so I will be able to see where a clog is if one happens. I have put the design files on Thingiverse:
and lots of photos and a video of it working on Google Photos. Click on the i with a circle around it to see my captions for each photo. This album also has lots of photos of my controller electronics.


I forgot to mention that one key design feature is that this dust sucker does not sacrifice any working area.


That looks like a great design, thank you for sharing.

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