Joystick manual facing of hardwood with ESP-NOW wireless pendant

Today I tried some manual cutting operations with my home-made wireless pendant.
First I faced my MDF spoilboard using the twiddler knob (rotary optical encoder), which worked great. I used my dust extractor during that run. But even with the cutter in a clear chamber, it is still hard to see what it is doing, so the next thing I tried was to face some rough cut maple, without the dust extractor in place. This time, I used the joystick and that worked even better. Probably all this was more trouble than creating a quick facing toolpath in VcarvePro, but I was keen on seeing whether manual cutting operations are possible with this pendant. YES they are!

Here is an unedited video of the joystick operation on maple:
(Turn down the volume!)



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Love it

I tried facing a walnut live edge board yesterday using the jog commands in the ESP3D and the little keyboard.

Worked fine, took about as long as it would had i used a surfacing gcode from the computer- but that’s up 2 flights and I’m lazy.

Now you’ve got me thinking I need the pendent


That’s pretty slick but now I want more details on your hazmat gear. :grin:

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What size tubing is that? Looks like large diameter.

My safety gear is by Sundstrom. 3M has a similar forced air headpiece, favored by woodturners. Both cost a small fortune, but the health of my lungs, eyes and ears is worth it. It doesnt fog up and is comfortable to wear all day. It is a bit bulky and clumsy, especially in my cramped garage.

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I am using 25 mm diameter x 2 mm thick stainless steel tubing. Here are the old and new legs (which poke way into my torsion box):