I did a search of the kill-called posts on this forum to see if any seemed to fit your problem (stepper motor and kill issues both on a SKR Pro). Only found one…this topic. Towards the bottom of the topic, it was believed that the TMC driver was generating that error. There was no final resolution.
Reading between the lines in that topic suggests that:
A wiring problem to the stepper motor might cause this issue. You could run some check of the wiring using an ohmmeter. You are looking for shorts or continuity problems.
A bad stepper might cause this issue, but bad steppers are really rare compared to other components. You could use an ohmmeter to make sure you detect two, and only two coils.
Board soldering of the stepper socket might be an issue. We’ve seen a couple of boards on the forum where one of the sockets was incompletely soldered. In that case, it was obvious to a visual inspection.
I would swap stepper drivers on the control board from one of the poorly working stepper motors with one working well and retest. You want to see if the problem stays with the socket/wiring, or if the problem follows the driver.
Hooking your system up to Repetier-Host and duplicating it from there will give you more information from Marlin. Make sure error reporting is turned on in the log.