Hello, i do many test to improve the quality for the 3D print of my MPCNC.
I begin to be happy with the results and i don’t know if i can do it better or if i’m limited by the MPCNC.
This is a comparison picture of the result from a makerbot replicator 2 who cost 2899$, and at the right the result from MPCN.
I think the result is pretty cool, but can i improve it more ?
I think the most important problem is the rounded edge i have with MPCNC, do you have some tips for correct it ?
In this picture, i use the exact same settings than Vicious in the tutorial for Repetier here : https://www.v1engineering.com/import-extruder/
Just the layer height is 0,2 mm for the both.
Thanks a lot for your help !