
Rapidchange ATC has been officially released
Final price is 240$ for the basic version (additional 80$ coupon available til 7 october “THANKYOU”)

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That is only part of it. Most of us here do not have a spindle that can accomplish atc with that magazine.

Very different…


Yea, that’s different.

Neat! Some of the features remind me of LDO Motors Positron V3 at RMRRF Ultra compact suitcase sized 3D printer.

It is almost a upside down maslow…It really seems like this has the opportunity to be the fastest build possible, no rails to move

Wow, that is an interesting design. I don’t even know how you begin designing something like that. People are smart.

I do have to think the maintenance on a design like this would be higher, no? Seems like a lot of fidgety parts and pieces that could constantly have to be reset and calibrated. But like he said, it would be much better if it was all metal pieces and not 3D printed pieces.

We’ve looked into using cables instead of belts for our printer, but they tend to slip. One of the guys has a new design he’s messing with. I’ll see if I can find a picture.

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Basically a very small hangprinter…

But the glass part as the reference surface, that is freaking genus. I have not seen anything “new” in a long time in printing, this is refreshing.

That is starting to look like a clock, and I love it.

Pretty dope idea.


Love Izzy’s accessible affordable unconventional projects. 'm pretty sure O.G. MacGyver’s subscribed to his channel

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I didn’t know him before, but his second video is: Don’t buy a jointer. I am listening… :smiley:


Anyway, does anyone want to spend 4200€ on a spindle? I’ve got you covered:
Or rather 6200€? Online-Shop für hochwertige Motorspindeln und Zubehör. They do look fancy though. :smiley:

My Festool domino was worth every penny.

You can certainly build anything. At what point do you want to build it vs use the tool. It’s like buying a Ender vs a Prusa printer.

Yeah, this looks great but it’s more of a simplified pantorouter than a Domino

And as many many of these pseudo-domino alternatives, it misses the main points of the original product : portable, quick use with no setup (with the retractable tabs referencing the edge) and most importantly adjustable slot tightness

With slots of equal length, and cumbersome setup, this is not much more practical or useful than simple dowels with the appropriate jig

Peter Millard has a much less fancy but much more useful and true to the original product approach


Mine too!

I can’t believe I’ve had it for almost twenty years! OK it’s only been 16 years, and probably in a home setup it’ll take that long for it to pay for itself, but mine has undoubtedly.

It cost twice as much as my tablesaw! :open_mouth:

Did you see my sander?

It’s Festo, before they merged with another company and made Festo their automation segment and Festool the tools. I got it after my granddad passed and I am pretty sure that it’s going to survive my kids as well. :smiley: I had to replace the “shoe” where the paper attaches and the new ones are still compatible. That’s what I call a quality tool. Besides that, it is soooo much better than my Bosch Green random orbit sander.


Sander-wise I recently switched to a Mirka clone (maxxt 150 / menzer 150-5) and it’s incredibly good for the price I paid…

Very very light (just a tad heavier than the Mirka deros), great handling and the 5mm stroke is very efficient

I don’t think it will last as long as a festo (although it should be pretty good with the brushless motor), but it’s a third of the price, and if you need a new sander, check it out
They’re about the same price as a metabo/dewalt sander but a much much better tool


I think I’ve seen these before…