MPCNC traveling beyond Hard Limit when homing

Hi all,
Ive had my MPCNC working and cutting via laser for about 2 months now. Ive gradually added the options (mks tft28 & hard limits) that I frankly dont need. However now Im a bit more comfortable Im hoping for more options and accuracy. Although dont think Im getting the concept of the hard limits on this machine.

My understanding is that the 4 hard limit switches Ive installed (and are working) are simply there for squaring and not to work in a physical limiting sense ? This seems to be clear as when I click home in any of the laser software such as laserGRBL or lightburn the head travels beyond the limits and the motors grind.

Am I missing something in the options again ?. My set up is Marlin V1CNC Dual Ends on Ramps 1.4. Help greatly appreciated.
Thanks Jim.

My understanding is that the 4 hard limit switches Ive installed (and are working) are simply there for squaring and not to work in a physical limiting sense

Yes, the primary purpose is to square the machine, but you can use them to establish limits, as well returning to a known coordinate for repeated work.

If your machine is homed in machine workspace (the default), then Marlin will prevent any movement to a negative coordinate, so that prevents out-of-bounds movement at the home of the machine. Marlin also has softstops, where, if you set up your machine size correctly in configuration.h, then it will prevent movement outside the positive X and Y limits of the machine. Note that softstops are not enabled in the V1 maintained versions of Marlin.

For almost all MPCNC users, cutting is relative to the stock. This means you execute a G92 to establish the home for the job. This G92 is executed in machine space, which means that Marlin no longer knows the routerā€™s position relative to the switches, so all the limits are disabled. That is why most MPCNC users donā€™t bother with limits. There are ways to both cut relative to the stock and preserve limits using workspaces (G54 - G59), but this adds complexity to setting up and running jobs.

As for why your limit switches are not working, start by executing an M119 and looking at the endstop states. Check them with and without the switches pressed.

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Robert, thanks for that. Maybe Ive not been clear - the limit switches are working as I stated in the sentence you highlighted. Im getting the feedback and to the correct stepper and axis via M119.

Im not sure Im asking the right question, I understand what youve said but I think thats not what Im asking. Simply put; no matter where the limit blocks are set (even at (o,o)) the machine should stop when I use the home icon in any software when the x and y axis hit the block ? However my machine is trying to go beyond that or perhaps Im missing something and that is not a function of the limits.
I thought they would be similar to a 3d printer where they are needed to establish the working area of the machine. It seems my machine is not reacting to the existance of the limit switches and Ive perhaps missed enabling something.
In any case he goal is to be able to click the home button and it will go home to where ever I set the limit blocks ? Thanks.

if the M119 gives you the correct state of the endstop, then your axis should stop when it triggers. If you are moving your blocks, just make sure the microswitch hits it, and triggers, then it should stop. If it does not move the switch then that is mechanical and you need to reposition. If you are not using V1 firmware, you may have a soft limit preventing the system from going to true zero where the limit switches are.

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I donā€™t know what g-code is being sent by laserGRBL or Lightburn for homing. The place to start is to execute a G28 manually. You can execute the G28 from the console in Lightburn. I would do each axis independently to start, so ā€œG28 Xā€ to home the X axis. Try homing from a distance away from home and hit the switches by hand. If there is still a problem, post back with the behavior, and we can help you troubleshoot the issue.

For 3D printing, the slicer places items on the build plate, so you need to know the relationship of the printer head to the plateā€¦ you use absolute coordinates. For most CNC work, you place the router at the origin of the job, which is usually a corner of the stock, so the job is relative to the stock. Lightburn can do either one. Personally, I have Lightburn set up for ā€œStart From: Current Position,ā€ so I do my jobs relative to the stock just like I do my CNC work.

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The endstops are used to tell the board where machine 0 is. If youre not using them then wherever the tool is when it starts up is 0. The high limits are set in config, based on machine 0. At least on my board. So if my table is 600mm x and ive homed it, trying to move to 601 will give an error but 600 is ok. And trying tomove-1 will error as well. If ive not homed the machine will allow a 600mm move no matter where the tool is(grind grind grind) butstill wont allow a - move.

Beyond the homing sequence the end stops on my board serve 0 purpose, they wont limit movement.

And g28 will do a rapid move to machine 0, ignoring user set 0/origin.

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Thanks to all for your input, I spent late last night and most of today making alterations to seemingly unrelated settings in the firmware. (Marlin V1 CNC). I took a chance seeing that for some reason all pull up resisters were enabled I commented them out and that seemed to have some effect. At least it stopped the machine going in a constant negative direction without stopping at the switch.

However this then meant that the Z-axis was griding on the worktop upon homing. So I then altered some other settings and now the machine is behaving better but still not as theorised.
Now when the machine is powered up at (0,0 - bottom left against stops). If I move the x and y axis any distance from (0,0) then click the home button it simply moves 10mm positvely in each direction on the x and y axis then moves about -10mm on the z axis. But does not return to (0,0).

This is where Im at after trying mutliple combinations. I think the problem lies somewhere between the electrical stop set up and end stop and pull up resistor firmware settings. Bearing in mind that Im using simple mechanical NO stop switches and theyā€™re wired up simply to the endstop pins on the ramps board via ā€œSā€ for signal and G for ground. Also if I enable the pull ups separately or all together I still get the same issue.

Any ideas ? Thanks, Jim.

In addition here is a copy of what I believe are the relevant section from config.h for anyone who can help :

//============================== Endstop Settings ===========================

// @section endstops

// Specify here all the endstop connectors that are connected to any endstop or probe.
// Almost all printers will be using one per axis. Probes will use one or more of the
// extra connectors. Leave undefined any used for non-endstop and non-probe purposes.
//#define USE_IMIN_PLUG
//#define USE_JMIN_PLUG
//#define USE_KMIN_PLUG
//#define USE_UMIN_PLUG
//#define USE_VMIN_PLUG
//#define USE_WMIN_PLUG
//#define USE_IMAX_PLUG
//#define USE_JMAX_PLUG
//#define USE_KMAX_PLUG
//#define USE_UMAX_PLUG
//#define USE_VMAX_PLUG
//#define USE_WMAX_PLUG

// Enable pullup for all endstops to prevent a floating state
  // Disable ENDSTOPPULLUPS to set pullups individually

// Enable pulldown for all endstops to prevent a floating state
  // Disable ENDSTOPPULLDOWNS to set pulldowns individually

// Mechanical endstop with COM to ground and NC to Signal uses "false" here (most common setup).
#define X_MIN_ENDSTOP_INVERTING true // Set to true to invert the logic of the endstop.
#define Y_MIN_ENDSTOP_INVERTING true // Set to true to invert the logic of the endstop.
#define Z_MIN_ENDSTOP_INVERTING true // false // Set to true to invert the logic of the endstop.
#define I_MIN_ENDSTOP_INVERTING false // Set to true to invert the logic of the endstop.
#define J_MIN_ENDSTOP_INVERTING false // Set to true to invert the logic of the endstop.
#define K_MIN_ENDSTOP_INVERTING false // Set to true to invert the logic of the endstop.
#define U_MIN_ENDSTOP_INVERTING false // Set to true to invert the logic of the endstop.
#define V_MIN_ENDSTOP_INVERTING false // Set to true to invert the logic of the endstop.
#define W_MIN_ENDSTOP_INVERTING false // Set to true to invert the logic of the endstop.
#define X_MAX_ENDSTOP_INVERTING true // Set to true to invert the logic of the endstop.
#define Y_MAX_ENDSTOP_INVERTING true // Set to true to invert the logic of the endstop.
#define Z_MAX_ENDSTOP_INVERTING false // Set to true to invert the logic of the endstop.
#define I_MAX_ENDSTOP_INVERTING false // Set to true to invert the logic of the endstop.
#define J_MAX_ENDSTOP_INVERTING false // Set to true to invert the logic of the endstop.
#define K_MAX_ENDSTOP_INVERTING false // Set to true to invert the logic of the endstop.
#define U_MAX_ENDSTOP_INVERTING false // Set to true to invert the logic of the endstop.
#define V_MAX_ENDSTOP_INVERTING false // Set to true to invert the logic of the endstop.
#define W_MAX_ENDSTOP_INVERTING false // Set to true to invert the logic of the endstop.
#define Z_MIN_PROBE_ENDSTOP_INVERTING true // false // Set to true to invert the logic of the probe.

// Enable this feature if all enabled endstop pins are interrupt-capable.
// This will remove the need to poll the interrupt pins, saving many CPU cycles.

 * Endstop Noise Threshold
 * Enable if your probe or endstops falsely trigger due to noise.
 * - Higher values may affect repeatability or accuracy of some bed probes.
 * - To fix noise install a 100nF ceramic capacitor in parallel with the switch.
 * - This feature is not required for common micro-switches mounted on PCBs
 *   based on the Makerbot design, which already have the 100nF capacitor.
 * :[2,3,4,5,6,7]

// Check for stuck or disconnected endstops during homing moves.

//============================== Movement Settings ============================
// @section motion

 * Default Settings
 * These settings can be reset by M502
 * Note that if EEPROM is enabled, saved values will override these.

 * With this option each E stepper can have its own factors for the
 * following movement settings. If fewer factors are given than the
 * total number of extruders, the last value applies to the rest.

 * Default Axis Steps Per Unit (linear=steps/mm, rotational=steps/Ā°)
 * Override with M92
 *                                      X, Y, Z [, I [, J [, K...]]], E0 [, E1[, E2...]]
#define DEFAULT_AXIS_STEPS_PER_UNIT { 100, 100, 800 } // { 200, 200, 800, 200 } // { 80, 80, 400, 500 }

 * Default Max Feed Rate (linear=mm/s, rotational=Ā°/s)
 * Override with M203
 *                                      X, Y, Z [, I [, J [, K...]]], E0 [, E1[, E2...]]
#define DEFAULT_MAX_FEEDRATE { 50, 50, 15 } // { 50, 50, 15, 25 } // { 300, 300, 5, 25 }

//#define LIMITED_MAX_FR_EDITING        // Limit edit via M203 or LCD to DEFAULT_MAX_FEEDRATE * 2
  #define MAX_FEEDRATE_EDIT_VALUES    { 600, 600, 10, 50 } // ...or, set your own edit limits

 * Default Max Acceleration (speed change with time) (linear=mm/(s^2), rotational=Ā°/(s^2))
 * (Maximum start speed for accelerated moves)
 * Override with M201
 *                                      X, Y, Z [, I [, J [, K...]]], E0 [, E1[, E2...]]
#define DEFAULT_MAX_ACCELERATION { 180, 180, 80 } // { 180, 180, 80, 180 } // { 3000, 3000, 100, 10000 }

//#define LIMITED_MAX_ACCEL_EDITING     // Limit edit via M201 or LCD to DEFAULT_MAX_ACCELERATION * 2
  #define MAX_ACCEL_EDIT_VALUES       { 6000, 6000, 200, 20000 } // ...or, set your own edit limits

 * Default Acceleration (speed change with time) (linear=mm/(s^2), rotational=Ā°/(s^2))
 * Override with M204
 *   M204 P    Acceleration
 *   M204 R    Retract Acceleration
 *   M204 T    Travel Acceleration
#define DEFAULT_ACCELERATION 180 // 3000    // X, Y, Z and E acceleration for printing moves
#define DEFAULT_RETRACT_ACCELERATION  3000    // E acceleration for retracts
#define DEFAULT_TRAVEL_ACCELERATION 180 // 3000    // X, Y, Z acceleration for travel (non printing) moves

 * Default Jerk limits (mm/s)
 * Override with M205 X Y Z . . . E
 * "Jerk" specifies the minimum speed change that requires acceleration.
 * When changing speed and direction, if the difference is less than the
 * value set here, it may happen instantaneously.
//#define CLASSIC_JERK
  #define DEFAULT_XJERK 10.0
  #define DEFAULT_YJERK 10.0
  #define DEFAULT_ZJERK  0.3
  //#define DEFAULT_IJERK  0.3
  //#define DEFAULT_JJERK  0.3
  //#define DEFAULT_KJERK  0.3
  //#define DEFAULT_UJERK  0.3
  //#define DEFAULT_VJERK  0.3
  //#define DEFAULT_WJERK  0.3

  //#define TRAVEL_EXTRA_XYJERK 0.0     // Additional jerk allowance for all travel moves

  //#define LIMITED_JERK_EDITING        // Limit edit via M205 or LCD to DEFAULT_aJERK * 2
    #define MAX_JERK_EDIT_VALUES { 20, 20, 0.6, 10 } // ...or, set your own edit limits

#define DEFAULT_EJERK    5.0  // May be used by Linear Advance

 * Junction Deviation Factor
 * See:
  #define JUNCTION_DEVIATION_MM 0.04 // 0.013 // (mm) Distance from real junction edge
  #define JD_HANDLE_SMALL_SEGMENTS    // Use curvature estimation instead of just the junction angle
                                      // for small segments (< 1mm) with large junction angles (> 135Ā°).

 * S-Curve Acceleration
 * This option eliminates vibration during printing by fitting a BĆ©zier
 * curve to move acceleration, producing much smoother direction changes.
 * See

//============================= Z Probe Options =============================
// @section probes

// See

 * Enable this option for a probe connected to the Z-MIN pin.
 * The probe replaces the Z-MIN endstop and is used for Z homing.
 * (Automatically enables USE_PROBE_FOR_Z_HOMING.)

// Force the use of the probe for Z-axis homing

 * Define this pin if the probe is not connected to Z_MIN_PIN.
 * If not defined the default pin for the selected MOTHERBOARD
 * will be used. Most of the time the default is what you want.
 *  - The simplest option is to use a free endstop connector.
 *  - Use 5V for powered (usually inductive) sensors.
 *  - RAMPS 1.3/1.4 boards may use the 5V, GND, and Aux4->D32 pin:
 *    - For simple switches connect...
 *      - normally-closed switches to GND and D32.
 *      - normally-open switches to 5V and D32.
//#define Z_MIN_PROBE_PIN 32 // Pin 32 is the RAMPS default

 * Probe Type
 * Allen Key Probes, Servo Probes, Z-Sled Probes, FIX_MOUNTED_PROBE, etc.
 * Activate one of these to use Auto Bed Leveling below.

 * The "Manual Probe" provides a means to do "Auto" Bed Leveling without a probe.
 * Use G29 repeatedly, adjusting the Z height at each point with movement commands
 * or (with LCD_BED_LEVELING) the LCD controller.

 * A Fix-Mounted Probe either doesn't deploy or needs manual deployment.
 *   (e.g., an inductive probe or a nozzle-based probe-switch.)

 * Use the nozzle as the probe, as with a conductive
 * nozzle system or a piezo-electric smart effector.

 * Z Servo Probe, such as an endstop switch on a rotating arm.
//#define Z_PROBE_SERVO_NR 0       // Defaults to SERVO 0 connector.
//#define Z_SERVO_ANGLES { 70, 0 } // Z Servo Deploy and Stow angles

 * The BLTouch probe uses a Hall effect sensor and emulates a servo.
//#define BLTOUCH

 * MagLev V4 probe by MDD
 * This probe is deployed and activated by powering a built-in electromagnet.
//#define MAGLEV4
  //#define MAGLEV_TRIGGER_PIN 11     // Set to the connected digital output
  #define MAGLEV_TRIGGER_DELAY 15     // Changing this risks overheating the coil

 * Touch-MI Probe by
 * This probe is deployed and activated by moving the X-axis to a magnet at the edge of the bed.
 * By default, the magnet is assumed to be on the left and activated by a home. If the magnet is
 * on the right, enable and set TOUCH_MI_DEPLOY_XPOS to the deploy position.
 *                and a minimum Z_HOMING_HEIGHT of 10.
//#define TOUCH_MI_PROBE
  #define TOUCH_MI_RETRACT_Z 0.5                  // Height at which the probe retracts
  //#define TOUCH_MI_DEPLOY_XPOS (X_MAX_BED + 2)  // For a magnet on the right side of the bed
  //#define TOUCH_MI_MANUAL_DEPLOY                // For manual deploy (LCD menu)

// A probe that is deployed and stowed with a solenoid pin (SOL1_PIN)

// A sled-mounted probe like those designed by Charles Bell.
//#define Z_PROBE_SLED
//#define SLED_DOCKING_OFFSET 5  // The extra distance the X axis must travel to pickup the sled. 0 should be fine but you can push it further if you'd like.

// A probe deployed by moving the x-axis, such as the Wilson II's rack-and-pinion probe designed by Marty Rice.

 * Magnetically Mounted Probe
 * For probes such as Euclid, Klicky, Klackender, etc.
  #define PROBE_DEPLOY_FEEDRATE (133*60)  // (mm/min) Probe deploy speed
  #define PROBE_STOW_FEEDRATE   (133*60)  // (mm/min) Probe stow speed

  #define MAG_MOUNTED_DEPLOY_1 { PROBE_DEPLOY_FEEDRATE, { 245, 114, 30 } }  // Move to side Dock & Attach probe
  #define MAG_MOUNTED_DEPLOY_2 { PROBE_DEPLOY_FEEDRATE, { 210, 114, 30 } }  // Move probe off dock
  #define MAG_MOUNTED_DEPLOY_3 { PROBE_DEPLOY_FEEDRATE, {   0,   0,  0 } }  // Extra move if needed
  #define MAG_MOUNTED_DEPLOY_4 { PROBE_DEPLOY_FEEDRATE, {   0,   0,  0 } }  // Extra move if needed
  #define MAG_MOUNTED_DEPLOY_5 { PROBE_DEPLOY_FEEDRATE, {   0,   0,  0 } }  // Extra move if needed
  #define MAG_MOUNTED_STOW_1   { PROBE_STOW_FEEDRATE,   { 245, 114, 20 } }  // Move to dock
  #define MAG_MOUNTED_STOW_2   { PROBE_STOW_FEEDRATE,   { 245, 114,  0 } }  // Place probe beside remover
  #define MAG_MOUNTED_STOW_3   { PROBE_STOW_FEEDRATE,   { 230, 114,  0 } }  // Side move to remove probe
  #define MAG_MOUNTED_STOW_4   { PROBE_STOW_FEEDRATE,   { 210, 114, 20 } }  // Side move to remove probe
  #define MAG_MOUNTED_STOW_5   { PROBE_STOW_FEEDRATE,   {   0,   0,  0 } }  // Extra move if needed

// Duet Smart Effector (for delta printers) -
// When the pin is defined you can use M672 to set/reset the probe sensitivity.
  #define SMART_EFFECTOR_MOD_PIN  -1  // Connect a GPIO pin to the Smart Effector MOD pin

 * Use StallGuard2 to probe the bed with the nozzle.
 * Requires stallGuard-capable Trinamic stepper drivers.
 * CAUTION: This can damage machines with Z lead screws.
 *          Take extreme care when setting up this feature.

 * Allen key retractable z-probe as seen on many Kossel delta printers -
 * Deploys by touching z-axis belt. Retracts by pushing the probe down.
  // 2 or 3 sets of coordinates for deploying and retracting the spring loaded touch probe on G29,
  // if servo actuated touch probe is not defined. Uncomment as appropriate for your printer/probe.



  #define Z_PROBE_ALLEN_KEY_DEPLOY_3 { 0.0, (DELTA_PRINTABLE_RADIUS) * 0.75, 100.0 }

  #define Z_PROBE_ALLEN_KEY_STOW_1 { -64.0, 56.0, 23.0 } // Move the probe into position

  #define Z_PROBE_ALLEN_KEY_STOW_2 { -64.0, 56.0, 3.0 } // Push it down

  #define Z_PROBE_ALLEN_KEY_STOW_3 { -64.0, 56.0, 50.0 } // Move it up to clear

  #define Z_PROBE_ALLEN_KEY_STOW_4 { 0.0, 0.0, 50.0 }


 * Nozzle-to-Probe offsets { X, Y, Z }
 * X and Y offset
 *   Use a caliper or ruler to measure the distance from the tip of
 *   the Nozzle to the center-point of the Probe in the X and Y axes.
 * Z offset
 * - For the Z offset use your best known value and adjust at runtime.
 * - Common probes trigger below the nozzle and have negative values for Z offset.
 * - Probes triggering above the nozzle height are uncommon but do exist. When using
 *   probes such as this, carefully set Z_CLEARANCE_DEPLOY_PROBE and Z_CLEARANCE_BETWEEN_PROBES
 *   to avoid collisions during probing.
 * Tune and Adjust
 * -  Probe Offsets can be tuned at runtime with 'M851', LCD menus, babystepping, etc.
 * -  PROBE_OFFSET_WIZARD (configuration_adv.h) can be used for setting the Z offset.
 * Assuming the typical work area orientation:
 *  - Probe to RIGHT of the Nozzle has a Positive X offset
 *  - Probe to LEFT  of the Nozzle has a Negative X offset
 *  - Probe in BACK  of the Nozzle has a Positive Y offset
 *  - Probe in FRONT of the Nozzle has a Negative Y offset
 * Some examples:
 *   #define NOZZLE_TO_PROBE_OFFSET { 10, 10, -1 }   // Example "1"
 *   #define NOZZLE_TO_PROBE_OFFSET {-10,  5, -1 }   // Example "2"
 *   #define NOZZLE_TO_PROBE_OFFSET {  5, -5, -1 }   // Example "3"
 *   #define NOZZLE_TO_PROBE_OFFSET {-15,-10, -1 }   // Example "4"
 *     +-- BACK ---+
 *     |    [+]    |
 *   L |        1  | R <-- Example "1" (right+,  back+)
 *   E |  2        | I <-- Example "2" ( left-,  back+)
 *   F |[-]  N  [+]| G <-- Nozzle
 *   T |       3   | H <-- Example "3" (right+, front-)
 *     | 4         | T <-- Example "4" ( left-, front-)
 *     |    [-]    |
 *     O-- FRONT --+
//#define NOZZLE_TO_PROBE_OFFSET { 10, 10, 0 }

// Most probes should stay away from the edges of the bed, but
// with NOZZLE_AS_PROBE this can be negative for a wider probing area.

// X and Y axis travel speed (mm/min) between probes
#define XY_PROBE_FEEDRATE (133*60)

// Feedrate (mm/min) for the first approach when double-probing (MULTIPLE_PROBING == 2)
#define Z_PROBE_FEEDRATE_FAST (4*60)

// Feedrate (mm/min) for the "accurate" probe of each point

 * Probe Activation Switch
 * A switch indicating proper deployment, or an optical
 * switch triggered when the carriage is near the bed.
  #define PROBE_ACTIVATION_SWITCH_STATE LOW // State indicating probe is active
  //#define PROBE_ACTIVATION_SWITCH_PIN PC6 // Override default pin

 * Tare Probe (determine zero-point) prior to each probe.
 * Useful for a strain gauge or piezo sensor that needs to factor out
 * elements such as cables pulling on the carriage.
//#define PROBE_TARE
  #define PROBE_TARE_TIME  200    // (ms) Time to hold tare pin
  #define PROBE_TARE_DELAY 200    // (ms) Delay after tare before
  #define PROBE_TARE_STATE HIGH   // State to write pin for tare
  //#define PROBE_TARE_PIN PA5    // Override default pin
    //#define PROBE_TARE_ONLY_WHILE_INACTIVE  // Fail to tare/probe if PROBE_ACTIVATION_SWITCH is active

 * Probe Enable / Disable
 * The probe only provides a triggered signal when enabled.
  //#define PROBE_ENABLE_PIN -1   // Override the default pin here

 * Multiple Probing
 * You may get improved results by probing 2 or more times.
 * With EXTRA_PROBING the more atypical reading(s) will be disregarded.
 * A total of 2 does fast/slow probes with a weighted average.
 * A total of 3 or more adds more slow probes, taking the average.
//#define EXTRA_PROBING    1

 * Z probes require clearance when deploying, stowing, and moving between
 * probe points to avoid hitting the bed and other hardware.
 * Servo-mounted probes require extra space for the arm to rotate.
 * Inductive probes need space to keep from triggering early.
 * Use these settings to specify the distance (mm) to raise the probe (or
 * lower the bed). The values set here apply over and above any (negative)
 * probe Z Offset set with NOZZLE_TO_PROBE_OFFSET, M851, or the LCD.
 * Only integer values >= 1 are valid here.
 * Example: `M851 Z-5` with a CLEARANCE of 4  =>  9mm from bed to nozzle.
 *     But: `M851 Z+1` with a CLEARANCE of 2  =>  2mm from bed to nozzle.
#define Z_CLEARANCE_DEPLOY_PROBE   10 // Z Clearance for Deploy/Stow
#define Z_CLEARANCE_BETWEEN_PROBES  5 // Z Clearance between probe points
#define Z_CLEARANCE_MULTI_PROBE     5 // Z Clearance between multiple probes
//#define Z_AFTER_PROBING           5 // Z position after probing is done

#define Z_PROBE_LOW_POINT          -2 // Farthest distance below the trigger-point to go before stopping

// For M851 give a range for adjusting the Z probe offset

// Enable the M48 repeatability test to test probe accuracy

// Before deploy/stow pause for user confirmation
  //#define PAUSE_PROBE_DEPLOY_WHEN_TRIGGERED // For Manual Deploy Allenkey Probe

 * Enable one or more of the following if probing seems unreliable.
 * Heaters and/or fans can be disabled during probing to minimize electrical
 * noise. A delay can also be added to allow noise and vibration to settle.
 * These options are most useful for the BLTouch probe, but may also improve
 * readings with inductive probes and piezo sensors.
//#define PROBING_HEATERS_OFF       // Turn heaters off when probing
  //#define WAIT_FOR_BED_HEATER     // Wait for bed to heat back up between probes (to improve accuracy)
  //#define WAIT_FOR_HOTEND         // Wait for hotend to heat back up between probes (to improve accuracy & prevent cold extrude)
//#define PROBING_FANS_OFF          // Turn fans off when probing
//#define PROBING_ESTEPPERS_OFF     // Turn all extruder steppers off when probing
//#define PROBING_STEPPERS_OFF      // Turn all steppers off (unless needed to hold position) when probing (including extruders)
//#define DELAY_BEFORE_PROBING 200  // (ms) To prevent vibrations from triggering piezo sensors

// Require minimum nozzle and/or bed temperature for probing
  #define PROBING_NOZZLE_TEMP 120   // (Ā°C) Only applies to E0 at this time
  #define PROBING_BED_TEMP     50

// For Inverting Stepper Enable Pins (Active Low) use 0, Non Inverting (Active High) use 1
// :{ 0:'Low', 1:'High' }
#define X_ENABLE_ON 0
#define Y_ENABLE_ON 0
#define Z_ENABLE_ON 0
#define E_ENABLE_ON 0 // For all extruders
//#define I_ENABLE_ON 0
//#define J_ENABLE_ON 0
//#define K_ENABLE_ON 0
//#define U_ENABLE_ON 0
//#define V_ENABLE_ON 0
//#define W_ENABLE_ON 0

// Disable axis steppers immediately when they're not being stepped.
// WARNING: When motors turn off there is a chance of losing position accuracy!
#define DISABLE_X false
#define DISABLE_Y false
#define DISABLE_Z false
//#define DISABLE_I false
//#define DISABLE_J false
//#define DISABLE_K false
//#define DISABLE_U false
//#define DISABLE_V false
//#define DISABLE_W false

// Turn off the display blinking that warns about possible accuracy reduction

// @section extruder

#define DISABLE_E false             // Disable the extruder when not stepping
#define DISABLE_INACTIVE_EXTRUDER   // Keep only the active extruder enabled

// @section machine

// Invert the stepper direction. Change (or reverse the motor connector) if an axis goes the wrong way.
#define INVERT_X_DIR false
#define INVERT_Y_DIR true
#define INVERT_Z_DIR false
//#define INVERT_I_DIR false
//#define INVERT_J_DIR false
//#define INVERT_K_DIR false
//#define INVERT_U_DIR false
//#define INVERT_V_DIR false
//#define INVERT_W_DIR false

// @section extruder

// For direct drive extruder v9 set to true, for geared extruder set to false.
#define INVERT_E0_DIR false
#define INVERT_E1_DIR false
#define INVERT_E2_DIR false
#define INVERT_E3_DIR false
#define INVERT_E4_DIR false
#define INVERT_E5_DIR false
#define INVERT_E6_DIR false
#define INVERT_E7_DIR false

// @section homing

//#define NO_MOTION_BEFORE_HOMING // Inhibit movement until all axes have been homed. Also enable HOME_AFTER_DEACTIVATE for extra safety.
//#define HOME_AFTER_DEACTIVATE   // Require rehoming after steppers are deactivated. Also enable NO_MOTION_BEFORE_HOMING for extra safety.

 * Set Z_IDLE_HEIGHT if the Z-Axis moves on its own when steppers are disabled.
 *  - Use a low value (i.e., Z_MIN_POS) if the nozzle falls down to the bed.
 *  - Use a large value (i.e., Z_MAX_POS) if the bed falls down, away from the nozzle.

//#define Z_HOMING_HEIGHT  4      // (mm) Minimal Z height before homing (G28) for Z clearance above the bed, clamps, ...
                                  // Be sure to have this much clearance over your Z_MAX_POS to prevent grinding.

//#define Z_AFTER_HOMING  10      // (mm) Height to move to after homing Z

// Direction of endstops when homing; 1=MAX, -1=MIN
// :[-1,1]
#define X_HOME_DIR -1
#define Y_HOME_DIR -1
#define Z_HOME_DIR -1
//#define I_HOME_DIR -1
//#define J_HOME_DIR -1
//#define K_HOME_DIR -1
//#define U_HOME_DIR -1
//#define V_HOME_DIR -1
//#define W_HOME_DIR -1

// @section geometry

// The size of the printable area
#define X_BED_SIZE 450 // 200
#define Y_BED_SIZE 400 // 200

// Travel limits (linear=mm, rotational=Ā°) after homing, corresponding to endstop positions.
#define X_MIN_POS 0
#define Y_MIN_POS 0
#define Z_MIN_POS 0
#define Z_MAX_POS 0
//#define I_MIN_POS 0
//#define I_MAX_POS 50
//#define J_MIN_POS 0
//#define J_MAX_POS 50
//#define K_MIN_POS 0
//#define K_MAX_POS 50
//#define U_MIN_POS 0
//#define U_MAX_POS 50
//#define V_MIN_POS 0
//#define V_MAX_POS 50
//#define W_MIN_POS 0
//#define W_MAX_POS 50

 * Software Endstops
 * - Prevent moves outside the set machine bounds.
 * - Individual axes can be disabled, if desired.
 * - X and Y only apply to Cartesian robots.
 * - Use 'M211' to set software endstops on/off or report current state

// Min software endstops constrain movement within minimum coordinate bounds

// Max software endstops constrain movement within maximum coordinate bounds

  #define SOFT_ENDSTOPS_MENU_ITEM    // Enable/Disable software endstops from the LCD

I donā€™t use this board, but in general unless you have something setup in order to gcode it to 0,0 itā€™s not going to do it. g92 x0y0 will set wherever the tool is as ā€˜homeā€™ or origin, or 0, pick your term.

g00 x0y0 should take you straight to your home position. g28 should take you to machine 0,0, assuming you ā€˜homedā€™ it at start up or it should take you to whereever the tool was when you started up as it will see that as machine home until itā€™s told otherwise.

Somewhere in the setup should be the actual homing instructions so you can see exactly what is supposed to happen when you ā€˜homeā€™ it.

Your board will also be looking for a specific input from the end stops. If your stop is wired incorrectly, it will never see that input and may just run right off the machine.

Thanks again Nathan, There are few things perhaps Im not making clear.

The wiring of the end stops is 100% correct. Ive checked over and over - 2 lines to 2 pins on the ramps board per stop.
The terminology I may be using is just to make talking about this as easy and clear as possible and (0,0) is just what i mean by my prefered ā€œhomeā€ of front left.

The home position I want to be using by default is 99% always going to be front left and is the position Im always going to start at when switched on. So I expect the machine to go there when I click the home button on any given piece of control software at any other given position the z axis may be across the work piece during use. I may be rightly or wrongly assuming that my set up knows that front left is ā€œhomeā€ ??? This should be because the machine head is at front left when I switch it on ?? If not then Ive mis-understood and Im not understanding how to set it. Secondly and in either case the endstops should be stopping the machine from going beyond them and they are not.

Marlin V1CNC should by all accounts home to that position when home is clicked in any control software given the evidence thats been talked about here and everywhere I can see. This is not what is happening.
In the time in between notes here Ive checked and double checked connections, resoldered in a number of varying ways changed and updated the firmware in a number of ways. Looks like while writing this an earlier upload of some of the config.h has been approved. Thanks admin.

Iā€™m looking at the marlin config files, I kind of know the xcarve machine running planetcnc, Iā€™m learning the jackpot control with fluidcnc, so the marlincnc is yet another new one :slight_smile: I see a lot of extruder and fan references so Iā€™m guessing the cnc version is a modified printing set.

Iā€™m guessing the issue lies somewhere in the config or a different set of instructions in the control software. Itā€™s just a guess obviously, but I found that the instructions I had in 1 machine were ignored in the other. I had a lot of fun cussing until I figured out that what I thought I was telling my machine to do, I wasnā€™t actually telling it to do.

My home process goes to that lower left corner as well, first X then Y. Z isnā€™t homed at all.

Do you have a visual way of seeing when/if the endstops trigger? Iā€™ve got leds on my board so I can see what status theyā€™re in. If so when triggered does the software automatically set that as a 0 point? My board/controller after homing will show the machine 0,0 but the tool 0,0 will display a - since itā€™s almost always left somewhere out in the workspace.

Can you disable the mechanical endstops entirely and let the machine set 0,0 at startup, then see if it will allow a negative move? You can center the tool for that test so itā€™s not actually trying to run off the table.

So I fired up mine to see what would happen with the startup 0,0. Curiosity and whatnot. Ignoring the home sequence it wonā€™t move - in either direction. It doesnā€™t give an error or a message it just wonā€™t move. Triggering the homing sequence then lets it move past the 0,0 until the endstop triggers and it then resets that machine 0. Assuming yours runs/works the same way I would guess that the issue lies with what itā€™s doing with the endstop trigger after youā€™ve initiated the home sequence.

Again, this is with the jackpot board and fluidnc but I would think they would work in a similar vein.

Looking at your config above does it say that the endstops are disabled or am I reading that wrong?

What happens if you m120 before homing?

Nathan thanks for all your help and suggestions Ive now spent almost 2 days trying to work this out and Im going potty quite frankly. I agree there is something not quite right in the firmware settings as the mechanics and electronics of the stops are working, the firmware (or software as a result of the firmware) is not doing what it should either by my mistake or inability to function as I believe.
All over the web/net states it should be doing what we theorise. I also can see no difference in firmware between my Marlin 3D printer and the V1CNC firmware for the sake of endstops that is. Furthermore is the extra spanner in the works is that ā€œhomeingā€ works very differently by the looks of it between CNCjs and Laserburn and obtains different outputs from the machine upon clicking a home button.
Im going to leave it for now and retrain my thoughts for a few weeks and research the web some more. Hopefully I can come back with the resolved issue. It would just have been nice to switch the machine on move the axis or do a job and click home and it goes back to the bottom left every time consistantly without being cautious and ever watchful.

I donā€™t blame you. Iā€™ve walked away from more than 1 problem in my life until my brain stops staring at the roadblock. That and bandaids :slight_smile: ignore the homing feature entirely and just macro g28 to send it back to startup position.

Eventually got closure with this (Nathan thanks for all your help and suggestions). A quick glance at the code I posted, the pullup should have been enabled for the ramps 1.4 board. Although the ramps 1.4 board doesnt have pullups built in the bare arduino mega does.
Lastly it seems although I was using plain mechanical endstops my particular Ramps board was sensitive to which connection across the signal and negative pins. I was very lucky I got them in the right order and homing worked by sheer chance one day. All advice pointed toward this not being the case and Im still none the wiser as to how it should matter. However that said I could have maybe and only a 5% chance I could have had the wrong endstop in the wrong connector or a misalligned connector that I just couldnt see with bad eyesight.