MPCNC my first cnc.

Are you sure you wired the LCD right? There are a few ways for it to connect, and only one will light up.

I don’t understand the question I don’t think. If you are asking about switching screen types you have to also update the firmware to match your specific screen.



But it should light up with any firmware (or no firmware), right? Doesn’t it light up with just the power connected properly?

I think there are 4 ways to plug in those dang ribbons, two will light up two won’t. and only one way actually works. Just a day or two ago, someone bought another brand of the same screen as for sale here and he got one with the plugs reversed, so it looks like those ones are shipping again.

[attachment file=42557]
[attachment file=42558]

This is how Its look ramps and Arduino is okey i try on diffrent screen this from Prusa printer

Yeah, whoever that was…heheh. Ryan is right, two orientations light up the screen, one actually provides the signal. Do yourself a big favor and slice off the keys in the plugs so you can flip them any way you want. Mine were both reversed from the factory.

ok f***** I have done with it and fix problem very fast. Order new and the old in garbage.

ok so I finish wiring up machine and everything is working but when I was trying to draw some gcode z just smash into the table:D I’m using Rayan firmware so probably some mistake on estlcam, in Reptier soft I don’t change anything?.

I have test code on the crown page you can try so you will know if it your CAM error or a machine error.

Put the head where you want it, reset the arduino to zero it out, run the code.

Thanks that help.

[attachment file=42669]

High five!

Very nice build, awesome!

I really wish I had enough space in my garage to build such an enclosure, less dirt and noise…

Keep up the good work!

I’ve messed with those full graphic smart controllers - perhaps this will be helpful.

I tried using one with my Prusa I3 but the Prusa firmware isn’t configured to drive that display in the default form. Compiling the Prusa firmware with that display enabled isn’t currently working. The problems with that were fixed in the Marlin source that’s a newer version than Prusa uses and I did get the display working when I compiled just the plain Marlin with that display enabled.

Is the default MPCNC firmware set up to be able to drive that display, or does it need a custom compile with a few options switched before it will work?

For my printer I ended up getting the text based display which was fine with the stock firmware.


MPCNC firmware should work with full graphic controller without any changes. just upload to Arduino and connect. and have hope that you don’t have one of this Chinese knockoff :slight_smile:

I see your build and its great. When you have table free standing I don’t think so that any enclosure take more space then actual table. If you lack of space you can just put all electronic on top of enclosure and use bottom for some close storage, or accessories.its all about making it as much compact and useful for your needs. Mine is made from 12mm OSB and some 2x2(48mmx48mm) and each corner I have about 2cm space from 2x2 to corner of machine, front opening is made so I can easily slide max what I can cut. So no excuse and just make it quite:D

[attachment file=42762]

Small update 7 inch touch screen for rasbery pi that will be connected to ramps.

I have one of those. It’s on my desk, not on my CNC. Let me know if you have trouble starting it, I have the magic config file around here somewhere.

Also, if you’re doing octopi, look at the touch UI plugin, it’s better for touch screens, although it loads a little slow.

Oh, duh, it’s on my desk. Maybe this will help (I remember some trial and error with mine).

7_in_waveshare_config.txt (1.64 KB)

Cool Thanks i saw that you mantion somthing abot cnc.js Or somthing Its suporting marlin?

Oh, that is nice…What is the ballpark price of that screen?