MPCNC Made In China: New Build!

yah I hope I can just swap the SD card.

The board isn’t entirely dead apparently, when I plug it using the USB cable it works just fine, so it just affected the voltage regulator. There’s a hole in it which, I assume, is not purposely made for ventilation:

I’ve ordered a new board and I also ordered this component separately. I’l try to replace it and see if it solves the issue.
If it works I’ll have two boards so I could throw this one into my delta printer. If it doesn’t work then I guess I can still do that, but adding a 5V power supply connected to the USB port.
So all in all it’s not too bad, I’ll probably end up with two boards in the end.

I did print two and a half spool trays this weekend (amongst many, many other things), it works well and I think they look quite nice:

They are very convenient to use. Loading filament is still a bit of a pain though, but I’ll work on something to do that more easily.
The printer worked really, really well during this weekend, I’m very happy with it so far.