Mpcnc jittering / Shaking

No, I didn’t really generate a new Gcode. I decreased the speed through the LCD Screen/Repetier host.
I have tried everything twice with and without an LCD screen. Exact same result. Just realized that with the Crown test the delay happens on the longer curves. I am not sure if this help.

@vicious1 @robertbu Here I attached a video of the Crown Test. Maybe this can help Crown test

Current Marlin version is V506 2.0.7
Also some pictures of my actual setup…

From the video it looks to me like the frame of the machine is what is shaky. Are you sure all the corner connections are tight? Could you add some temporary diagonal bracing to see if that stops the shaking?

No the Whole table is shaking as it stops in between, which makes the camera shake as well.
The frame is pretty stable.

I have no idea how this would even happen.

1-Can you make sure to use the LCD advanced configuration menu and initialize eeprom. There could be a persistent setting in there. Another thing to try is swap the ribbon cables on the LCD maybe one is bad, each side uses different wires (but if it happens over USB without the LCD plugged in This should not be an issue).

2-Maybe pull the board out of that box and hit it with some canned air to make sure there is nothing touching where it should not be.

3-Can you make sure your power supply is hitting 12V (11V-13V) cleanly and not fluctuating very much.

4-The reset button is not touching the side?

I will flash 508 when I go out to the shop in a little bit and double check the crown gcode on my build just to be certain.

I though this question had moved beyond what I had to contribute, but since it is still not solved, I decided to follow through with running g-code on my machine. What I found was interesting. I have a Rambo 1.4 board and am running Marlin 427D headless.

  • Running Kinan’s Latency delay troubelshooting test Tolenarnce 0.002mm.gcode - It jittered on my machine exactly like his video.

  • Running Kinan’s Latency delay troubelshooting test Tolenarnce 0.055mm.gcode - It jittered also. The jittering was regular, almost like it was pausing at the end of each line segment used to emulate the curve.

  • Running the crown test g-code Ryan authored - I believe that it happened occasionally. Given the much smaller movements and the legitimate reasons for deceleration, it was difficult to tell.

  • Estlcam authored enlarged crown - I created a crown much larger than Ryans. I saw the occasional pause on long arcs where I would not expect a pause. It wasn’t a jitter, just occasional places on a continuous arc where I could hear the steppers wind down and it could see the tip of the bit pause just a bit.

  • Fusion 360 authored curve - I authored a large closed spline in Fusion 360 - I noticed a pause in just a few places…fewer than the large crown test.

Some observations:

  • Given that it happens on my machine running headless without any USB cable, it point away from any kind of electronics issue specific to Kinan’s machine.

  • Kinan’s g-code has 6 digits after the decimal point, Ryan’s crown and the enlarged crown had 4 digits after the decimal point, and the fusion 360 generated g-code had 3 digits after the decimal.

  • I cannot see these pauses from EstlCam or Fusion generated g-code being noticed when using a router, but they might leave an artifact when using a laser.

Is it possible that newer versions of Marlin just have more overhead and therefore less processing time for floating point calculations? I love to see this test run with an old version of Marlin.

Hey @robertbu ! Thanks a lot for your testing! I will read everything you wrote craefully. Just wanted to ask if you tried this last code i generated in this post
This this the one i have impoved as Ryan suggested. It jitteded on my machine as well. I would be interested to know if your machine has the same issue as well.Can you please post the scaled Crown so i can test it as well !I am very very thankful for your support. i really appereicate it!

I ran your file. My observations are somewhat subjective since I did not video each run to compare. I found this file to be significantly better than either your two original files I ran, but I still saw some pauses. It was about like the large crown. Just as a test, you might reduce the number of digits after the decimal to 2 or even 1 and see what happens.

Well, something is wrong. Sorry to make you jump through so many hoops, but I am absolutely stunned no one else has said anything. I have seen the issue but I have been running really fast and assumed it was the laser code doing it.

I will have to take a deeper look. I am using the laser version of the bugfix (with laser stuff enabled) and my crown stuttered a couple times, nothing like yours did but still it should not stutter at all.

Well I spent a lot of time if this today. I am still not done but I am narrowing it down and feel like I should take some notes at this point.

418 works fine, 427 and up has the issue. I tried disabling all the fancy stuff doubling and quadrupling the buffer with no noticeable results.

With arcs on everything is fine, slow stuff like milling is fine…lasers and other high resolution tests (crown) choke it out.

Test your machine with this file.
Crown Arcs.gcode (15.7 KB)

I am going to head inside to warm up and dig deeper, and check my notes.


Sounds great! I will try this code on my machine today later. I, unfortunately, couldn’t find the 418 Version for dual Rambo board here. Could you please share the link where I can find it? I would rather downgrade my Firmware than work with Arc commands at a lower speed.

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No, ARC’s are where it’s at! You should be using arc’s and it allows for much higher speeds…unfortunately Lasers (raster) do not benefit from arc’s.

I believe that the Arc Commands are super efficient. I would still like to test if my Mpcnc would progress the Gcode that I am trying to send now without changing it. My main problem is that I generate my Gcode through a custom made algorithm which is built in the Rhino/Grasshopper environment, this means that I have to rebuild the whole logic to be able to Control the machine. The reason why I don’t use the typical Cam Software is because I do something very specific with very custom made Gcode commands. I am an artist doing research in painting sound.


There is an octoprint plugin for replacing gcode with arc commands. I only remember it has a clever name.

Arc Welder:


I still have not pinpointed the change that is causing this but I am not honestly very hopeful about being able to change it. I am assuming it is a very low level change that will be above my skills and since it does not seem to effect printers (another extruders=0 issue?) getting help with it is going to be more rough.

Well that actually tells me I should test extruders=1…hmm

I thought this was the issue earlier, before repetier host was disconnected. If M105 takes longer when there is no extruder for some reason, that could explain it.

Even for non tft’s?

Where can I find the Marlin source for 418? Is the source available for any version between 418 and 427? Could Kinan roll back his firmware to a 418D version to solve his problem, and if so, what would he give up?

418 is available at

You would be giving up ~1yr worth of firmware updates. For specifics you would have to dig through the list of PR’s

Using arcs is the correct fix for CAM and is even being requested for 3D printer slicers now because of this issue. I am still looking into this but xmas shipping is taking most of my time. I will link the most recent firmware without the issue when I find it. Git is not my specialty so I am slowly working my way forward in time to find what PR caused the issue and will proceed from there.

Like I said, I doubt there will be a fix that I can implement, because of this and Arcs required is the mostly likely outcome of all this. Luckily we already put in a ton of work to make arcs work.

Just in case you don’t github much. In the choose version drop down there is a tags tab. If you put 418 in the box, it should show you the 418 tags available.