I recently builded my MPCNC and I have a problem with the controll of it. If i just want it to move a Little bit no matter x or y it goes only back and forth. I would like to upload a video of it but iam not allowed to.
You cant upload video straight to the forum. You will have to put it on youtube or something like that then post a link here. You might have to read around the forum and make a few other post to get out of the basic entry level to have permission to post links but its not much at all. Just enough to make sure you aren’t a spam bot
If you have one motor moving one direction and the other moving the opposite, then which ever motor is moving the wrong way you need to flip the wire on the control board. Make sure you remove power before changing any wires
Top right of the screen you should see a green circle with a B in it. It should also have a green mail looking icon next to it. If you click that it will bring up where you can open the message
We’ll need to start seeing pictures of your TFT/controller setup. The thin black cable is the interface for TFT mode, and the two 10 pin ribbon cables are the interface for Marlin mode. You either don’t have the Marlin mode cables hooked up, or they’re not hooked up properly (or you have a bad firmware on your Marlin host controller).
We all were at one point, no worries. We’ll help you get through this.
On the BTT TFTs, there are actually two different ways they can control the machine. When you’re using the touch screen interface, the TFT talks to the Marlin controller only using the thin black cable. When you switch it over to Marlin mode, the system then only talks to the Marlin controller using those two grey ribbon cables. The two ways of controlling the machine are completely different electrically and from a protocol point of view.
In TFT (touch screen) mode, a lot more of the intelligence resides in the TFT head, which is why we’re trying to flip over to Marlin mode.
In Marlin mode, the TFT display acts only as a dumb display and encoder/wheel.
So, if you put it in Marlin mode and the machine still does that crazy dance, then the problem is in your Marlin firmware or the SKR Pro somehow. If it behaves properly, then something is wrong with your TFT firmware.
Your ribbon cables aren’t hooked up right.
One ribbon cable has to go from EXP1 on the TFT to EXP1 on the SKR.
The other ribbon cable has to go from EXP2 on the TFT to EXP2 on the SKR.
No cable should be in the upper right connector as it is.