MPCNC Driver placement

I am placing my stepper drivers on the SKR Pro board. The instructions say correctly that only 5 are needed but the placement of them is not discussed. I assume it matters where they are placed. Do all 5 go together on the side toward the JST terminals? Or do they split 3-2?

In close inspection, it looks like the 5 controllers will go in the first 5 slots and the last one will remain open which appears to coincide with port E2. The more I look at it, the more I think I’m correct but can someone confirm for me?

Sure it is, right here:

That is correct. The E2 driver can be left unpopulated.

  • X = X1
  • Y = Y1
  • Z = Z
  • E0 = X2
  • E1 = Y2

Note that there are 2 motor sockets for Z, and the second one (as shown) has jumpers on it to short the 2 pairs of wires. This js necessary as the sockets are wired in series, and ot having the jumpers means you will get no power to the Z motor.

Edit: @Tokoloshe hesaid SKR Pro…

But it is actually the same for both boards, so that setup works, too.

From memory:

  • X endstop is X1
  • E0 endstop is X2
  • Y endstop is Y1
  • E1 endstop is Y2
  • Z endstop is touchplate

Sometimes people refer to Xmin/Xmax, etc, but the SKR Pro is labelled with X, Y, Z, E0, E1, E2