MP3DP v5 documentation -request for info on how to help with docs

I was looking at the documentation for the 3dp because I need a couple parts, so I looked in the docs to figure out how many toothed and how many smooth idlers I need… there isn’t anything in there:

It goes from extrusion sizes, number of pieces to how to assemble them.

I pulled the repo for the .md files and have started to edit. Is there a preferred way to submit changes. Other than just a pull request? Is there a changelog layout or listing required?

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Just a PR with changes is generally good enough

I usually just write a description/summary of what I changed in the PR comments to help Ryan understand whatever I did a bit

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Forked the repo, branched and edited… Still working on it. The markup is like writing latek - which i hated and the purists loved - you type it, save it then have to go check the work in a viewer to see if done correctly. A dual monitor setup lends to this well, but on a laptop it seems like a time waster. I must be doing it wrong.

I use a dual monitor setup when I work on it.

Keep the browser open, it should auto recompile and refresh after you save changes.

I have a docker compose file that will roll out a container to run it in isolation too without having to install everything locally, but I never PR’d back yet

For simple changes, you can do it directly from the edit button on the site, but you don’t get a good preview that way with all of the styles, etc applied

VS Code with preview plugin continuously renders as you edit (i.e. no need to save and refresh). Layout edit and preview panels side by side. Won’t see fully rendered with stylesheet within VS Code. For that, afaik, need to do what Michael suggested, save and rely on open browser to pickup compiled/generated content with full styling.

Realtime styled Wysiwyg markup edit would be ideal. Guessing that’s been done a bunch and people have suggestions?

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In VScode I use, mkdocs -serve, or whatever is in the mkdocs editing page. Anytime you save it refreshes the local version with all the styles.

Agreed. Mkdocs material adds so much stuff I guess that might be hard.

A week or two back I plugged in a little 20"TV one of the kids had leftover and use it as a second monitor just for doing the docs. Makes all the windows I have open far more manageable. And I still have not even finished all the edits and Mikes PR.


Dual monitors for the WIN! I have gotten so spoiled to it that I can’t stand working on a computer with a single monitor anymore lol.


I installed a couple different md add ins for vscode and now you can right click on the file in the folder panel and preview and it will show up as an open file so I can tab between edit and view and it auto updates.

I added a couple tables:

still working on all the links


You might try opening the whole thing in obsidian. It would not be 1:1 format. But it is a great markdown editor. I use it for my notes.

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PR submitted.


Serious question- can’t you split screen? My old 27” iMac works magically in split screen mode, so I have never thought about another monitor.

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you can.

On Windows you can hit the Windows Key + Left or Right and it will dock whatever application you are running to the respective half of the screen.

If your screen is too small though, especially when working on the docs, you may get different views due to the flexible nature of the Material styles, or it can sometimes make it more of a pain to work on the text in the editor.

It’s better than nothing, but multi-monitor is much better sometimes. I use 3 everywhere…


I can do dual monitors, but it means stealing one off another system or using the tv. It is simpler to just do it. the tab worked well enough for the edits and they are waiting for acceptance or rejection.

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Can, but I have a hard enough time seeing already, doing that just makes me squint more lol

You overachiever you.

I only use 1…


I use 3 22-24"


And it has dedicated boundaries so I don’t have to manually position things

I spend a large amount of time sitting in front of a computer…

I haven’t used a single monitor computer setup since like 2006. It’s at a point now where I just get frustrated on a single monitor if I’m trying to do anything useful. I hate having to swap between applications on a single screen. Time waste.


My 2 27" monitors have been enough for me so far. Haven’t found the need for a 3rd one yet. I am sure if that time ever comes then I will not want to go back to 2 LOL.


I would not mind having my VS code screen rotated 90 degrees, portrait? The other normal. I guess If I had a little more real estate I could rearrange my VScode workspace a bit though. When using the "serve’ feature it is nice to keep an eye out for mistakes in the terminal.


I did that for a while once, but then got frustrated using that screen for some things where I needed the horizontal space.

It is nice having a vertical screen for pure text editing and the web a lot of times. There’s a lot more unused horizontal space than vertical on most web pages.

I usually get monitors when they are on sale for like $70-80, so I don’t mind just having the extra ones.

I got a 27" at Christmas for like $85