Someone cut a nice stand for their spin bike and posted a photo, but i haven’t located it again, so I’m using the future sand table on its side as my stand. Works ok.
For writing Markdown docs, personally think split screen (with Edit panel and Preview panel side by side on ~16:9 1080P) can help detect and encourage docs to be written that will render ok on smaller phone and tablet screens. Text overflows for the most part, but tables, code snippet blocks and other content types need to be more considered.
Personally appreciated that LR3 build docs rendered clearly on my phone during the build.
That said, have had gratuitous fun 4 monitor setups in the past.
I use a tiling window manager in Linux. I have liked openbox, i3wm, and now pop os (which uses gnome, but it heavily configured for tiling). I am going to install hyprcard next week when my laptop get back from service. By default, all applications open to completely cover the desktop. So if I open one, it is full screen. The second goes to one side. The third will open either below or to the side of the second, etc. the biggest advantage is being able to work without a mouse (if you know, you know).
I also use one big curved screen. I don’t think it is 44". More like 32". I also have the laptop on a mount to the side. But I usually put stuff that I only need to see in the background over there.
I got that monitor a few months ago and I love it. I had been looking at ultrawides for a long time and caught a deal on it for around $600. Those 49" Samsungs look nice but best I saw on those is around $800 and couldn’t pull the trigger. It also wouldn’t quite fit on my desk. This one also has a built in USB-C dock with PD so when I WFH its a single connection that also charges my laptop. My desktop is connected via DisplayPort and switching between desktop and laptop is seamless 99% of the time. It’s basically like having 2 24" QHD monitors stuck together. I spend a lot of time in front of a computer so it was worth it to me.
I go crazy working off a single normal screen. When traveling for work, I have a portable monitor. At work, I have 2 27" QHD monitors. I usually have my laptop screen open for email. I used to have a 3rd screen but it’s not necessary anymore.
I’m a Windows guy and W10 sucks for ultrawides out of the box but the Fancy Zones feature in PowerToys is nice. I’m happy with the built-in support in W11. Sometimes I still just use it like 2 screens but normally as 3 with a big section in the middle and smaller ones on the sides.