MP3DP v4 - Aza's build

After looking at the FluidNC Wiki… I realize how valuable docs are and how lacking mine is. I need to spend time on it. After switching computers, I have not set up my git stuff again, editing just on github is not good enough.


Friday fun… Does this snippet look like Plaid to you (despite not being O.G. red and orange)?


Which Project’s docs are most behind where you’d want them to be?

Already got solution in mind (e.g. wikidocs), or looking for something? Personally, I like the mkdocs, and git. Is Markdown vs wysiwyg the main challenge, or something else?

Is there a benchmark shining example of what you’re striving for?

I think they all need a bit of a refresh. some are pretty old. I need to sit down one weekend and at least figure out which are the most out of date. When I made models more often they got refreshed more often.

Oh yeah sticking with mkdocs for sure. just need to update some pictures and verbage.

Actually, when I start adding more of the jackpot stuff that might update a bunch of the oldest pages. Right not it is it’s own page, but I need to clean up the LR calibration section and the milling basics page to include it. That is probably the worst of it really and it is on my short list.

If I find some other pages maybe I can make a contest out of docs edits.

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Whoops we jumped threads.

After reading some great updates from other community members, am curious about speed capability, and dimensional accuracy of my build…

Currently printing 25.4mm calibration cube using same settings used to print Kobalt Blue Core for my LR3 Idex upgrade:

  • 0.6mm nozzle, 0.32mm layer height, 3 walls, 4 top/bot layers, 45% infill.
  • Printed Core with 120mm/s. Changed to 500mm/s, 1st attempt with 125mm/s initial layer didn’t even stick, so overrided to 30mm/s.
  • This model is so tiny, and won’t save much time despite printer speed increase. I also won’t know/encounter failures that will likely happen when printing larger models, where the excessive speeds will become apparent.

Biggest bang for buck at this (or any) scale is using 0.6mm nozzle instead of 0.4mm.

Edit: 25mins displayed here is wrong. Cause is I didn’t override Minimum Layer Time to be smaller than the default (15s?). So, didn’t matter what Speed and Acceleration values I used here, the print speed ended up being throttled (slowed down) to satisfy the Minimum Layer Time constraint. Posted details in later 10/30 Post.


How was it?

I run a .06 in all my printers. Can still get good detail when i need it but large enough to do all my normal printing a lot faster. I bet @vicious1 would see a difference going from his .5 to a .6 Not as much as coming from a .4 but still makes a difference

That was a game changer when I did that. Right before I printed my LR3 parts I switched to 0.06 and spent a few days getting it dialed in.

Huge time improvement for me.


Curious about this as I have a couple of nozzles in a drawer. How much time do you find yourself saving? I have a lot of my settings dialed in and can print around 110mm/s with 0.4mm. But I am seeing a lot of people switch to the 0.6mm

I just ordered 0.6 nozzles yesterday… thanks for leading the charge!

One of my larger prints dropped from ~23 hrs down to 8-9 I believe.

Dialing in the 0.6 nozzle lets me print good quality at 0.28 layer height, and it looks almost just as good as my 0.4/0.20 prints used to

When I don’t care about quality, I still get decent pieces at 0.36 layer height

Color me curious. Only question will be will my ender 3’s keep up with the flowrate. Defiantly going to have to try it.

Ender 3 pro is what I have. Stock hot end.

I have found that I start to skip steps around 13 mm3/s, so I set my limit 12 in prusaslicer, and it gives me a little cushion

That’s at like 200C, so you’ll have to find what your flow limit is based on your settings, etc

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I’ve printed with a 0.6mm nozzle on my mk3s for a long time. After I got the mk4, I’ve been using the stock 0.4mm. Can’t wait for input shaping together with a new 0.6, that would be a blast! I’m not sure if IS is adapted for 0.6 yet.

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I have so many files sliced at a 0.5, it would take a very significant amount of time to fill plates and re-slice. If I ever get to making the 300^3 build I will put a 0.6 on it I think and start that way.

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I am surprised you haven’t even tried to build one 300x300mm v4. I would think having one would make you learn a lot and have the option for the occasional massive print.

Ugh, bad tests on my part, Cubes came out great, but… :man_facepalming: I forgot to reduce/clear minimum layer time slicer setting. Didn’t matter how fast I set the speed and acceleration because minimum layer time was throttling the print speed.

Noticed during second print and was confused why everything seemed so slow.

Changing to minimum layer time to 0 is finally getting me some hectic frame shaking hot messes.


100% Fan doesn’t seem to be enough, so tinkering with misc settings, mostly for learning sake, am not expecting significant gains, or great quality…

Even though am using a 0.6 nozzle, configuring Top/Bottom Line Width to be 0.45mm instead of 0.6mm seems to result in neater finish.

Ugh, am questioning all the initial bridging/tower tests I did now… They were probably throttled as well.

What would you change? stronger fan, closer/focused fan shroud, something else?

Edit: Current 24V dual bearing radial 50x50x15 Fan moves ~3.5 CFM. However notice quite a few alternatives that move > 6 cfm, usually brushless. Noticed Ilya’s is brushless too. So, am probably trying out diff brushless fan.

There is a difference how cube looks on short and long (faster) runs and I am guessing it’s linear advance. At the same time X printed fine so maybe you did linear advance tests on slower speeds that don’t translate to faster ones.

I would not blame temperature or fan too much, X portion of the cube looks fine

How are you retraction settings look like?

Basically, to me this looks like extruder is not in sync with XY motors

If you want you can export your cura settings and I can print with these in mine and see how it came out

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I have every single part sitting here ready, just need to cut some extrusions and go. I got stuck on deciding if I wanted to enclose it for ASA…