Kind of a newbie here, but I think I might’ve fried my MOSFETs. my XY&Z steppers all work fine, but the first attempt at a print started off ok, the hotend began heating, but the fan wasn’t running. I assumed it wouldn’t start until it reached a certain temp, but then the hotend temp suddenly started dropping… all the way back to 22 degrees (room temp). THEN the fans kicked on. Now neither works. XY&Z all still operate fine though.
I purchased everything from here with the 30a upgrade a few weeks ago.
I checked voltage and with the ground on the 4 pin power plug I’m getting 12v at D8+ D9+ & D10+, but with the positive on the power plug I’m not getting any appreciable voltage from D8- D9- or D10-.
The thermister seems to be working fine, it warms up from body temp and seems to read fairly accurate.
a visual on the MOSFET & Poly fuses shows no signs of overheating or damage and all solders look fine.
I never even hooked up the bed, so I’m not sure how I could’ve fried that one too… is there something else I should be checking?