I hope you can understand even though my english isn´t that good…
I have som problem with repeatability.
I have set an startposition for my mpcnc, but the coordinates is sometime a little off, up to 1mm off. I need to get that spot on every time…
My other problem is that sometime the milling slips a little when it goes down deeper in the wood.
For each layer the milling starts a little bit off… See picture.
Did not buy from you since I live in sweden and the customs taxes would make it very expensive…
a) I have bought comparable parts
b) Downloaded the firmware from your site (where do I find the firmware number?)
Yes uses endstop to set startposition when switching bits. The problems is showing up even under the same milling session
Yes I use recommended parts
se attached image
It´s like the stepper motors count wrong or that they drop steps - but I have set the motor to quite high voltage (0.750 amp)