using the G02 Command in ESTLCAM for circles, they dont get circular, if they have a small diameter (~<3mm) Using multiple points the circles lokk ok. See image. I think, the GCODE looks ok, so I assume the Problem in Marlin transfering G02 to toolpath. Does anyone know this behaviour?
The circles are 2mm - 10mm bit is 0.9mm.
For the attached immages I have chosen outside, on and inside the path, each with G02 and multiple points. Multiple points paths look ok but the four smallest circles with G02 are not circular.
Also there is the v9 of Estlcam with 64 bit. Actually i’m testing laser engraving with estlcam, i’ll ask to the developper if he could add a parameter for M106 SXXX directly in the tool section because sometimes I need various powers for each toolpath (changing in general parameters or gcode is not a good solution actually).
His software is not optimized for that but for milling, but why not now eheh
With laser there is a little decay on the starts because actually the laser have no time to get is power before XY moves (i think it is a latency between the ramps and the jtech driver board, not sure). I’m trying to play with a slow Z speed and the just distance to let time to the laser to power on at time. It is a trick, not a solution. So a decay parameter before moving XY could be a good solution.
And to answer to you, of course this machine get better thanks to you, soft developpers and the amazing community on the forum !! About that, I have an idea to share to evolve the machine for engraving, drawing or cutting big projects, i’ll create a post for that, you could tell me if you like that