Machine won't boot w/ LCD attatched

All, I finished a build using the kit w/ the RAMBO 1.4 last week and have been successfully using the machine via Repetier-Host. I want to use the LCD and save my laptop from the sawdust. I installed the LCD tonight and when I boot I see the V1 Engineering splash, a boot message, then a screen showing info like the current x/y/z/ position. However, as soon as I turn the knob on the LCD the LCD displays the following error:


The LCD is displaying graphics and text correctly, so I’m guessing it’s hookup is fine?

Is this a known issue? I did some google searches and found info on people needed to disable a “kill_pin” option in the FW, but this is working fine w/out the LCD so I don’t think that is the issue.



I notice in your photo of the cables to the RAMBO that the red stripe is on opposite sides for EXT1 and EXT2.

I suspect one of the cables is backwards. One drives the LCD, the second cable has the reset signal and the SD Card interface.

You should be able to find the RAMBO schematics from the reprap Wiki: to check on the LCD connector pinouts.


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Pretty sure red points to power, same as ide hard drive cables.

Did that fix it?

That was the problem, thanks!


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