Machine not completing cut

It’s not going the whole way around on the smaller radiuses. And, the cuts start to look more angular as it gets smaller. The picture should show what I mean. Look in the center and you’ll see that it hasn’t cut out the entirety of that second to center ring. And that the interior of the second largest ring has facets to it. I assume this is a machine adjustment problem of some kind but I don’t know what. Has anyone seen this before? Thanks in advance. Rpm is approximately 10,000 using an 1/8" 2 flute Ball nose end Mill. XY feed set to 20 mm per second.

My first recommendation when there’s a possible physical issue is always to check the grub screws holding the pulleys to the motor shafts. The flat top of the outer circle and the fact that the inner cut doesn’t complete could be the pulleys slipping on the shafts.

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What are you using for your CAM? I know if you are using Estlcam and it thinks that area is too small for the bit you are using it will not cut through it. The file you are using might have those circles off just barely and its enough that the CAM thinks the bit wont fit.


Thank you sir. I just changed my design a little bit and it seems to work just fine now.


Awesome! Glad to hear it!

You have me very curious. What is that for?


Just a little ornament to test the router. And the roundness I can achieve. I was having trouble getting a litho stl to load in estlcam so I decided to make a simpler design to test estlcam and see where the problem was. I’m hoping to use the router to cut some wood and aluminum gears and pulleys at some point so this seemed like a good test.

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From the looks of the picture it seems pretty round to me. As long as you don’t have a bunch of slop and you set your CAM up correctly I don’t see any reason why you cant get some real nice parts off of that!

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Mathias Wandel has got a great gear generator.