Trochoidal milling of LR 4 RC2 XZ plates on the LR Beta.
Including fails.
Man I have really been checked out this summer
I didn’t even know about the lr4.
Looks awesome
How did you do the toolpath for the belt slot?
Manually just a pocket. I changed the whole slot to be as big as the bottom.
I was able to do it trochoidal with a 1/16” endmill
I wrecked the min plate trying to do the slot so that’ll have to be a do-over. The engineer must’ve finished early today so I couldn’t get any more material.
how bad is it, it is just a slot, really cannot see how that would wreck it unless you went over into the screw holes.
I wanna see a pic
The first slot for the beta I did with the band saw and just did the inner pocket.
It’s not good.
On the other hand the whole job was done, holes and all, with a 15mm long cheapo 1/8” coated single flute bit - of which I bought 10
And I got my money out of my 10bux of 10mm plate
I also did a partial print of an end strut to confirm the hole pattern lines up - which was fine.
Those are completely fine, to be honest. Sand it down a bit, make sure it can’t rip the belt and you are good to go. Mine have a mark in the back as well where the finishing pass ripped the screws out…