LR2-LR3 The Longest Conversion (AUS)

I’m calling them fenders because that distinguishes them from other covers that might bob up from time to time. I do apologise if my excitement is becoming quite palpable.

Hot off the press is the upper fender part.

First impressions -

  • It fits like a glove
  • It’s as rigid as I’d hoped (2mm wall thickness all round makes for a slow print though)
  • The clips are not strong enough - I’ll increase the wall thickness to 2mm instead of 1.2 mm and hope I don’t have to increase the depth of the “catch” because I do worry about not getting it apart.
  • Even though the clips aren’t strong enough for my taste, the precision of the fit makes everything rigid and it has quite a solid feel about it.

I’m pretty excited to see how the bottom is going to go - might see if I can get Royal assent to printing it overnight.