Lowrider V4 with vacuum table and tool changer

My first version just had the 43mm hole, I think i have it somewhere. It’s not as precise though.


Almost done with the 3D prints. Just a few more braces to print, then I’ll be set.


Really nice print sheet. Is it from the same make than Ryan’s?

And why two of each? :thinking:

You can buy those on amazon / aliexpress for just about any build size. I have one for my 300x300 beds on the 2 MP3DP and one for my big E5 Plus at 370x377

They have them in several different patterns. Ryan’s is a custom made one. Keep saying I am going to email them for a quote for one for my logo but I haven’t yet. So afraid I would spend a bunch on it and then screw up and scratch it the first use :rofl:

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Maybe i do a second Lowrider :blush:

No, it’s not the same make than Ryans, they are widely available in stores now.

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Thanks to a very helpful friend, I now have my XZ plates.

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OCS2 Mini from Timo Altholmann for Estlcam arrived

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