Lowrider 3 travelling speed between cuts

Hello, How can I speed up the travel between cuts in Marlin firmware (SKR 1.2)? Thanks

Yep. The firmware has pretty conservative limits set.

M203: Set Max Feedrate | Marlin Firmware

Use M500 to save the changes.

Ok, thanks!

That changes the firmware max speed allowed (which should be 50mm/s), but the actual setting for this is “rapid” speed in your CAM software.

Thanks for the reply, but I just want to move faster when the LR3 moves between cuts.

We are both giving you options for that.

Rapids in your CAM software tell your machine to go faster, up to 50mm/s. If you want to go faster than that you need to edit the firmware or change the max speed setting in the TFT screen.

Thanks, Ryan!