Lowrider 2 cnc with skr pro 1.2 need 2 Z endstop

i have build lowrider 2 cnc 4’ x 8’
skr pro 1.2
6 tmc 2209
tft35 e3 v3
i used firmware
marlin v1cnc skr pro dual lr 2209 2.0.6 503 src

on board there are 2 x end stop x1 and x2
2 y end stop y1 and y2
but one touch plate
i would like to used the touch plate as z1 and the other one not used as z2 !
is there a way to add the z1 min and z2 min ?

The low rider firmware for the skr pro should be dual Y, dual Z, and home to Zmax. The zmin probe is them used for a touch plate with G38.2 Z0.

Xmin: X
Ymin: Y1
Yman: Y2
Zmax: Z1
Xmax: Z2
Zmin: Z G38 probe

X: X
Y: Y1
Z: Z1
E0: Y1
E1: Z1

This should be right in v504. It hasn’t been tested yet though.

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i do not use max just min this is the problem !

but i have 2 limit switch X one min and 1 max
2 limit switch Y both min for 0 left and right
2 limit switch z both min 0 left and right
and a touch plate viengeneer also
but nowhere i see any pics as the one i putt here

i have 5 stepper motor
1 x
2 y
2 z

but how do i plug it on the board
stepper are connect already and working
just need to understand how to connect the limit switch

You should connect it exactly as I wrote it.

The LR firmware isn’t configured for Zmin, and dual Zmin is not compatible with an endstop probe.

ok i will try but do you have any picture of it ?

I’m on my phone. I don’t have a photo. The photo you posted is not correct for the LR dual endstop firmware.

I know the photo is no good but it is the only one available on the site i found !
is there one i should refer somewhere ?

The photo looks like MPCNC setup, not LR2. You would use ymin and ymax and xmin as listed, but zmin and zmax are used for z homing, not for probe. Xmax is usually available and G38 is configured to plug in at xmax.

jeffeb3 told me i need this setup but it is a beta and few thing dont work !

i dont now exacttly how this setup is called this is my machine i dont now exacttly whitch firmware to used the information here on site foword to this firmware https://shop.v1engineering.com/collections/lowrider-parts/products/skr-pro1-2-6x-2209-drivers-tft35-e3-v3


i am confused now i just want to make it work good !

I have already explained exactly how to do it. I don’t have a picture.

i connect everithing as you say and it do not work proprelly

whitch firmware shoud i used then here is my machine as i say on top it is a 4’x8’ machine

by the way jeffeb3 the button on the page https://github.com/V1EngineeringInc/MarlinBuilder/releases/tag/504
This version is prerelease, and needs testing. If you test it, let us know in the forums how it worked. the link is not working
page not found

tell me where do i go to get support for all parts i get from here !
i like to get this machine work but the information on the site is so confusing !

Bear with me. This isn’t dell, and I don’t work here. I’m just doing this for the love of the project. That link should be pointing here. I can fix that.

You need to meet me halfway. Share a picture of your skr, with all the wires installed. Put the firmware I asked you to out on it, and then when you find a problem provide these three things (every time):

  1. What did you do?
  2. What did you expect?
  3. What did you observe?

I really am trying to help. I know it can be frustrating for me to not immediately know what to do, but I am not in the room with you. I only have the info you provided.


i putt a lot of photo in this post explaining the problem and i found something in the configuration.h i post it on an other post !
i really appréciate jeff what you do to help people here !
i dont now if you remember me i am the guy who had the rambo board black not green who was not working and i order a full kit from here and install it !

ok lets start over if you like please

the machine

the stepper connect

the endstop connect

try to home all axes 1 by 1 not working but i think i found why in the configuration.h there is an error i think line 665 #define Z_MIN_ENDSTOP_INVERTING true should it be false ?
sending command m119 by pronterface to printer answer
Printer is now online.

Reporting endstop status
z_min: open
but all the endstop is triggered
but you see in m119 command and configuration.h is not reflect the reallity

the homing in v1 custom menu is nto working good

after homing Z axis and home X&Y
back to main screen screen the X=0 Y=0 and Z=200
and when homing X&Y only the left Y move both direction the right on move only one side but if i just go in move axis Y both axis work good

Looks like you wired your endstops incorrectly. They should all say open unless the switches are triggered. The Z min is the only one that is correct.

You should verify one at a time to make sure they all work.

Hold one switch and run M119, when you are holding it it should say triggered, and not holding it it should say open. Repeat for every single switch.

Oh I take back what I said about which endstops plug into which ports. What I said was probably not correct, or at best, out of date. M119 will tell you for sure.

This firmware should use this for endstops. I can see the Zmax port is not populated.

That line should be right. The z min is for a probe, which is normally open.

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I will also say, you don’t need to use endstops at all. They are optional, and you are trying to follow the bleeding edge updates and asking for detailed information. It might be smarter to just unplug all the endstops and just use the machine without them for a few weeks. I haven’t ever installed endstops on my low rider and it work great.


I finally fix X and Y they wasnt plug good
the Z i realised the configuration is set the opposite way i was thinking
if i understand good the zhome is set to go at 200 up !
i had my 2 endstop on the bottom at 0 so it caused few problem i will have to try to find bracket to change my 2 endstop !

and i will have to configure the bed one way to set it to x1220 y 1220 z200
because when the x is set to the extreme right 1220 and i do homing printer halt probably because it is set x300 y300 z200 i think is there a way to set it by gcode ?

and i also have an error message on graphical screen scrolling unknown command m221 and beeping