Low memory with jackpot

Is the jackpot supposed to be out of memory all the time? I finally go the lead screw delivered yesterday so all the axis are functional. But it’s just sitting still and giving me out of memory warnings, no files loaded and not trying to run anything.


Not having a jackpot I could be wrong, but feel the next response is going to be what version of firmware you’re running.

Not sure, the card is maybe a month old, I’d guess it would be the latest.

A new update came out a couple of days ago. Update your firmware and your out of memory errors should go away.


Latest FluidNC release has indeed fixed a lot of issues, it’s much more stable…
The previous one was a total mess, even broke the probing function -_-

Concerning memory, setting “Sta/SSDP/Enable=false” helps a lot.
You will need to access your interface through IP if you do this though

My probing turns on the spindle with my 6 pack board ( its a recent firmware but dont know if its the latest

This sounds like it could lose you a finger. :scream:

Upgraded firmware, still doesn’t work. It only allows me to upload very small files. It’s stopped showing the warnings but it fails at uploading at the same point. Very small files go through, anything larger and it starts throwing failures. I pulled the SD card and loaded it manually and the file runs without an issue, so it’s not the file. I tried on 2 different browsers, same issue at the same point. I’m going to change devices entirely and see if it changes anything. Beyond that I wonder if I have a bad card.

So the 2 big items for memory are fw version and ssdp both posted above. I see you said fw upgraded, assume it is 3.7.11 if so did you turn off ssdp?

Are you running the config file from the V1 repo? AP or STA mode?

Probably best just to post your config file here, as is, if you have any changes at all from the default.

Also make sure only one device is connected and loading the Web UI. This will have the biggest effect on memory usage.

Howdy all, I’m going to put responses into everyone in 1 step because it’s late and I want to go to bed :slight_smile:

Fabian and Riley
It’s 3.7, downloaded it earlier. I set SSDP to off tonight. I don’t see false as an option but I’m assuming I’m in the right spot. What do you mean it has to accessed through IP? Probably a dumb question but how am I accessing it now?

I’ve not touched the config at all, hadn’t even opened it until tonight. But I know a future question was going to be about setting soft endstops and it looks like that one is pre-emptively answered. I’m running in AP and only connecting to it with my tablet.

Anyway, I’m using a 28m gcode test file, so not huge. And after watching it fail over and over and over at 4% upload, and many reboots of the card and interface, it finally loaded the entire thing. Then deleted and loaded it again successfully. So for the moment it seems to be working correctly, and I’ll see what tomorrow brings.

thanks for the advice all.

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Yes. My safety measure involves turning off manually the router. But after i click the turn off button in the spindle menu it doesn’t activate the relay. For now I’m shutting both off