We just built a LowRider V4 CNC machine, Everything moves in the correct directions when instructed, both the Z motors move up and down in sync when we move Z up/down.
None of the homing limit switches on the the X, Y, Z Axis are working.
X, Y hits the limit switches and keeps going. No Effect.
Z Axis, Only the one motor moves. Z0 does not move, But when we use the move tool, both Z0 and Z1 motors move in sync, in the correct direction both ways. When Homing Z Axis, The Z0 motor does not move.
Things are working, Except when running the HOME commands.
We tested each of the Limit Switches with the continuity setting of the Volt Meter and we are confident they all show OPEN until triggered.
They should all be connected to the correct ports on the machine.
I’m a new Member so I can only attach 1 image and not share a link, So I’ve copied the text from the images.
Image 1: (SwitchesOPEN) We tested the Limit switches using M119 and we are getting a mix of OPEN and TRIGGERED.
y_min: open
y2_min: open
z2_max: open
z_ probe: TRIGGERED
ok T: 0
ok T: 0
Image 2: (SwitchesTRIGGERED) We then Pushed and held all 5 limit switches and tested M119 again, Here is what we got.
Reporting endstop status
x_min: open
ĐŁ_min: open
y2_min: open
z2_max: open
z_probe: TRIGGERED
ok T: 0
What I’m seeing online is a possible Firmware issue. But since the Firmware was Pre-Loaded when I ordered it from the V1 Shop, I’m hesitant to re-flash the firmware. I expected it would be configured correctly? But I don’t see how it could be a Hardware issue.
Board is the SKR Pro1.2, 5x 2209 drivers, TFT35 E3 V3 -flashed-.
Would love any help. Thanks!