So my son and I built the MPCNC… and now want to add a laser. Problem is… we’re TOTAL newbies and can’t seem to find a true “Step by step” guide to also include everything we need to buy. We’re using the “big” Rambo board btw. Any help would be GREATLY APPRECIATED.
Ok…Safety first (really good read btw Ryan)… I wasn’t aware “all laser” safety goggles weren’t the same…and simply ordered a cheapo set (blue i think). So while we’re awaiting the laser to be delivered we’ll do a bit more research on purchasing “top notch” goggles. The last thing I want to do is have my (teenaged) son blind himself cause he “squirrled” (as you all know we did at that age). Thanks much…SOOOO excited to get started!
I’ve read them both and just went back and re-read them both.
The 'Laser" page says " 12v…They are simple, you plug them into the print fan port(or any 12v port) on your control board and your good to go" ( I assume you disregard the TTL wire?)
The '2.8w $100 Laser" page(PDF) Is much more detailed with firmware,load testing and voltage setting, But as far as wiring, You put the TTL on pin45 and the +/- to any 12v source.
My confusion is,I don’t know which one to do.
If it is the ‘2.8w $100 laser’ route, What pins do I reassign on a RAMBo board? (The article is on a Ramps board)
Like I say in the write up, if it all seems confusing just get the Jtech. Other than that it all depends on the laser you buy, if it is not a jtech I really can’t help much, as I said, there are not enough details on any other laser. I am not comfortable giving advice, if you pop your laser I don’t want any blame. If it seems complicated, well it took me more than 3 years to write that laser page…it is not straight forward.
Hi Tim. Your laser will need both the power supply (Usually 12V DC) and the TTL (Usually 5V but sometimes 12V) connected to work.
First let’s figure out the Power you need for your laser. It should say it needs something like 12 volt power. (most of them do.) That could be a separate 12V power supply that came with the laser or you could somehow tap into the same 12 Volt power that is running your control board.
Get that working first to see if your laser powers on. MAKE SURE YOU WEAR YOUR EYE PROTECTION.
Next is the harder part. Controlling it from the control board. What you need to know is the TTL on your laser. Should it be controlled with a 5 volt signal or a 12 volt signal? Sadly most cheap lasers do not document this well. See if you can find something that shows what the TTL should be. If you can’t find anything then you have two options. Return it or experiment with some wiring and run the risk of letting the magic smoke out of the electronics.
If you choose to experiment then follow these steps at your own risk.
Unplug everything.
Connect the + and - TTL wires into your fan pins on your control board.
Plug everything in and power up the laser first. (The laser should be on full power. Don't start a fire.)
Turn on your MPCNC. (The laser should power off. If it didn't then you can skip the next step.)
From the LCD or a computer turn the fan on to something low like 1-5% (The laser should be on but not very bright. If so then you good to use M106/M107 to control your laser. If not then this test failed and you know that 12 Volts wired correctly doesn't work to control your laser.
I will come back tomorrow and edit this post with the next steps. Sorry I ran out of time.
If it is a 3-5V TTL this could vary well pop the laser’s control board, if you want to just experiment start with 5V. With no links to any lasers this is really all just guesses.
Yeah, safer to try 5V TTL first (only does on and off but verifies control), then 5V PWM (if previous turns it on and off this might modulate it to different power levels), then only try 12V control if those didn’t work or wasn’t able to give you full power.