OK, Im back(sorry)

When I comment define spindle_laser, does that make pin 45 “usable”?

If not what pin do I need to reassign?




I was having a similar problem. I posted the solution in another thread on January 21.

I hope that this link works and helps. I didn’t have to do anything to the program side of things and it works. It’s about 2 or 3 post from the last.

I have the Rambo board but I now have other issues. After updating firmware I was trying to check for 5v my board slipped and my meter probe touched some other pins now I have no display or control (with Repetier) and additional red LED between the fan1 and fan2 port. I unplugged everything and redid the firmware and the data LED flashed and Arduino said it was complete but still nothing.
If I have to buy another board, should I get another Rambo?
I have duel end stops and the primary use for this mpcnc is to use the laser.

Ps: all fuses have continuity.

Oh no, It sounds like you fried it. I am not sure what else to check, try re-flashing some other firmware and back just to verify the flash.

Thats what I’m afraid of. I have a MKS Gen v1.4 that i was going to swap out with my 3D printer. Do you have any experience with those? Would that work with my set up?

Just to be clear the RAMBo board failed from my doings. Not V1 or Ultimachine.

Hi Tim. I have a MKS Base V 1.2 that is running a laser on my MPCNC. The way I wired it up is like this…

plug the TTL negative wire into the fan ground. Then find another pin somewhere else on the board that is a constant +5 volts. Plug the TTL + wire into that. Then use the M106 M107 to control the laser. Google MKS base 1.4 and look for a picture with all the pins labeled. There should be about a dozen +5 volt pins that are not used. For example each endstop connection has one.

You will also want to connect a 10K pulldown resistor. This will prevent your laser from being on when you reboot your controller.


here is the thread where I got mine setup.

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Thanks Aaryn.

Question #2: Setting up the firmware for dual steppers, Can I use the firmware that Ryan has on the firmware page or do I need to modify it?

To be clear on your laser setup, There is no modification to the firmware as far as for the laser?

Yeah for mine I am using firmware that is almost identical to one I downloaded from Ryan. I tweaked a few things that don’t really matter here. The one thing I had to make sure of to get it to work for my MKS Base V1.2 was this line in the Configuration.h


That is what makes sure the Pins all match the MKS board. I think Ryan’s Firmware even has the same line of code for the RAMBO (or was it the Ramps…? or both…?) I could be mistaken. It was about 8 months ago I did that.

As for the laser. Since mine needed a 5 volt TTL I wired it up like I described before. No changes to firmware required.

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I will be trying this out this afternoon. My main concern was the dual stepper settings. I’ll try and get this thing back where it was then mess with the laser.

I would just like to take this opportunity to reiterate some safety concerns regarding lasers, particularly if you are involving a younger person…

PLEASE, please, please, get into the habit of FIRST buying the PROPER match of googles…


WEARING the proper googles each and every time that there is a CHANCE that the laser is going to be turned on. This needs to be completely drilled into the head of “newbies”

This video (link below) isn’t specifically talking about laser cutters but you get the idea. Remember that different frequency lasers reflect off of different surfaces and it doesn’t take much AT ALL to ruin your eyes with a cutting laser.

Have fun! Stay safe! :wink:


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Hey All… we’re back… and laser arrived! This is our second attempt as we believe we fried the first simply plugging it in. We have a full size rambo board and we’re not technically savvy on hooking it up. We (my 16 yo son and I) REALLY want to get this thing working. Mount is printed and CNC is working great. Is there a step-by-step process on how to hook this thing up to our Rambo board? PLEASE HELP. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!

Here’s what we have.

And here’s our Rambo

Have you seen the laser page, there are some details there? If you can get a bit more specific someone could probable help more.

That laser should have come with instructions to test it, before you try and control it with another board and software. After that you will need to find out what type of control signal it needs. 5V or 12V pwm/ttl.

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Thanks Ryan… the power supply that came with the laser puts out 12v 5a. It unfortunately did not come with instructions (bangood). I guess my son and I are at a big disadvantage of not understanding “ttl,pwm” etc. We plugged it in using the power supply and it immediately started burning through the black foam board. We don’t want to burn it up by accident. Can it be run simply by plugging in the power source whenever we’re ready to cut? Is there a way to control the amount of power going to the laser using the Rambo board? I’ve done my best to read as many articles I can find on here regarding lasers… but my lack of knowledge with terminology has me struggling to understand. The machine is built and works GREAT for router and needle cutter… Judy can’t seem to figure out laser. This is our second attempt… the first $120 laser we bought is shot I think…it lights up but has no power behind it… more like a blue flashlight now. Any idea if we can repair whatever it is that’s broken?

Thank you VERY MUCH!!!

Mario and Gavin

I think the safest way to test it is try a 5V signal pin, if that does not give you very much power (when focused properly) than you can try 12V. Somewhere it has to tell you what it wants. Maybe on the page you bought it from? It is just a bummer so many of these are out there even if it looks the same it can be a different driver.

The blue flash light can be a broken lens, a backwards lens, or the diode itself could be tweaked. If you see light there is a good chance it is fine.

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When you say “5v signal pin” are you meaning to hook it up to the Rambo board… say, on a fan controller (if 5v)? Sorry if this “very basic” stuff… we’re trying to learn. :slight_smile: Thank you again.

The fan ports are 12V, that could potentially kill you laser. You need to remap pins to use a 5V pin. I am not purposely being difficult but I do not have definitive answers so I really do not like making guesses with your money and a fragile laser. Some Old Guy Coding has videos on wiring the lasers His might be similar to yours.

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