Kobalt router

Oh…dang, that is a good one. Why didn’t I think of that. So simple!

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I had seriously thought of doing a mod’d version of that “shield / guard” part on my floating Z dust shoe, that has a clear acrylic bottom inserted to let the LED light shine through. I honestly don’t know how long it would stay clear and see-through, before getting scratched up and hazy. Perhaps worth a try.

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Depending on how you do it / how it gets scratched you could probably buff with wax

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According to Lowes.com just now, my local store has 10 in stock! Will try to head over tomorrow.

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Just remember, they may not be out on the floor yet, so you may have to have them locate it up in the racks for you. That’s where they found the “9 in stock” at my local Blue Box!!


Seems to work…

Was able to remove funnel when removing hole for existing LED, so, the mod may have better cooling/airflow too?

Will post details, files and how-to info in this topic if other folks are interested? And/or are also new to swapping filament colors during a print? Let me know…

Edit: Shared .STL and details at LowRider 3 — Aza's IDEX upgrade (2 Routers!) - #48 by azab2c




I 3d printed the stock Kobalt mount for the MPCNC last night. Have to wait for my router to arrive. Not sure if I’ll get an update when it ships, or if it will just show up on the porch one day.

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How does everyone feel about clear TPU for part of the bottom? I have it on hand only reason I’m asking there isn’t too much rigidity needed in the vac mount (at least not that I can think of) and the rest would be PLA… only thing I can think of could be layer separation if the two don’t bond.

I like the idea of the clear plexi, but it can be difficult to cut on a CNC. I’d almost want the design to have the plexi be square or rectangle so it was easily cut on the table saw. I guess an odd shape could be cut with a jigsaw. I’ve done that a few times.

I love it…Hmm, maybe it is time to invest in a pallet system for one of my printers.

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Or I guess I could do inserts…Print a tray of clear shapes and fit them into the router mounts with LED’s…

Such a great idea, Thank you for sharing!


Bought mine at Lowe’s, Hillsborough, NJ sitting in basement waiting to fit to BoXYZ or maybe in the near future a MPCNC.

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I was one of the contest winners :slight_smile:

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Man things move fast here lol stepped out for a bit and all kinds of new things.
I also need to get a better router, thanks for all the testing and input you guys have done. And congrats on the achievement/acknowledgment


so when I stopped in Lowes yesterday, I finally found the router and was about to take a picture when a guy says something about the mini toolbox being useless. I told him probably couldn’t do much with it, “but check out this router!”
He said, “but that is just a trim router.”
I said, yes it is just a trim router, but it mounts to a CNC that you can make amazing stuff with and it turns out he runs a custom door manufacturing operation and we had a good conversation about the lowrider and MPCNC and how we can build CNC’s and use “just a trim router” to do our bidding. It was a fun stop.


Best conversation ever…and you had an illustration to go with your presentation!!


“He said well what is that machine?” As I was pointing at the lowrider picture and I said,

“See this router in my hand without the base is mounted right there in the machine, and it becomes a cnc spindle…” and the light went on. very cool.


Everyone, go to Lowes and casually hang out near the Kobalt routers. Then we can have more of these serendipitous chance encounters!


The two Lowes employees who went digging in the back were really interested when I explained why I made them dig in the back when there were perfectly good trim routers of other brands out on the floor.

I think they went back to check out the display stuff after that.