I got a tip from Twitter but I know not everyone is on Twitter.
Anyway here is a router available at Lowe’s.
Might be suitable for CNC.
I got a tip from Twitter but I know not everyone is on Twitter.
Anyway here is a router available at Lowe’s.
Might be suitable for CNC.
Some guy called RyanZ left a 5 star review.
Found tweet @ https://x.com/V1Engineering/status/1716242645490790635?s=20
Congratulations, you’ve just won the internet for a day, with a comment so witty, we cannot think of a way to top it.
Is the image in that character RyanZ’s review a picture of the box from the cobalt router?
So Kobalt is showing an unattributed Lowrider 3 on the product packaging?
That’s great.
This is super rad to see. I’ll have to track one of these down once my Makita dies.
Yes, that is exactly what that is! I surmised the lack of attribution is probably because their attorneys imagined all kinds of possibilities and counseled them to not attribute it. For whatever reason, not attribution, but at least they showed the LR3!
More info in 6 days or less.
You might want to see if your local Lowe’s has them and get a picture with some sort of uniqueness, so I know it is genuine. hint hint
Nice to see LowRider picture on the box, of a product that will probably be at every Lowes store. Congratulations Ryan!
Personally would’ve designed the box differently, but what do I know. I should focus on figuring out how to do decent video thumbnails…
Hmmm. 6 days or less, that is interesting!!
It’s the final countdown!
I stopped by my Lowe’s earlier tonight but I didn’t find it.
OH!! I bet it contains a coupon for a FREE DOWNLOAD FOR 3D MODELS YOU CAN PRINT YOURSELF.
OH! What about 20% off two sticks of 3/4" EMT!
Woot! Now I can post pictures of my LR3 and Primo again!
Now it’s not that I know anything about what’s going on here, and seriously Lowes is a clothing store for people desperately seeking to look poorly dressed, but is there a connection between six days or less and the number of days till the LIGHTBURN EXPERIENCE ends??
There are many layers to this conspiracy!
Lol that’s funny. Here Lowe’s is a home improvement store. Same as Home Depot.
I’m pretty sure this has nothing to do with Lightburn unfortunately. Still on extended hold for that one
I know of three other Makita clones that have ER-11 collets. They all run around $150, so this is a deal.
Tell me it’s at LEAST as loud as the 660 and I’ll buy 3…
Seriously though, can anyone chime in on the noise level of the kobalt?
The only thing I know about fashion is that this is only allowed during Halloween, or when you are a 90 year old couple so people know you are together despite not remembering each other half the day.
Mysterious… May regret just buying a makita to replace the defective dewalt