Klipper + BTT Manta MP8 + CB1

Has anyone tried using a BTT Manta board on a MPCNC?

I migrated my Ender 3 away from Marlin & Octopi about a year ago, and recently built a Voron 2.4 also on Klipper & Mainsail. I’m really trying to avoid going back to Marlin and Octopi so hoping there’s enough experience here with Klipper to control a CNC.
Given the challenges with Pi availability, I was either going to use an old laptop or look at using the Manta with a built in compute module to run the OS right on it.

  1. As this will be my first CNC project (may built a LowRider if the MPCNC goes well), is there any CNC tasks that klipper hasn’t expanded to?
  2. I’m very happy with BTT (SKR mini, Octopus, relays, filament sensor etc), but does anyone have any experience of, or reason not to go for the Manta?

I read (or at least skim) every post and I haven’t seen anyone using a manta. You would want the 8 port and 5 drivers.

No reason it wouldn’t work, but you’d have to configure it yourself.

Klipper isn’t common on the cncs here, but I don’t see any reason it would not do great.


Thanks, that’s a similar conclusion I’d come to, I think I’ll pull the trigger.
Will also create a post tracking my progress so others can see if it’s an easy or hard road.


I have seen some klipper builds. So it is worth a search here to find like minds. I’m not sure I’ve seen mainsail on any of them though. It might be worth a check to find out if it errors out when there is no extruder.

I use klipper with octoprint on my printer. It works great.


Klipper does not require an extruder to be configured.

Here is a Klipper Github discussion where someone actually is running Klipper on a MPCNC

I got one of the Manta M8P + CB1 for the Repeat V2 not installed or built yet.
I also replaced a Raspberry Pi 4 that was running klipper for my CR10S- Pro with the Raspberry Pi adapter + CB1 and I will do the same for my original Repeat .
You can’t go wrong using it… especially for the price…around $50


Great someone to suffer with! Ordered the Manta MP8 and CB-1 last week. I have a CM4 in another project that I might enlist to the cause. I should start assembling a LowRider in the next week or two.


I haven’t placed the orders for anything or started printing any parts, until I get my hands on the tube tomorrow.
I’m planning to start ordering this weekend.

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Added CM4 2 gig ram 16 gig MMC. Swapped driver and end stop connectors for Molex. Installed TMC5160 Pro drivers. Raspberry Pi 7" touch screen and camera are also working. Running Klipper & Mainsail.


Good to hear you have it running, I’ve gone for CB1 from BTT. I imagine it will be enough to run screen and webcam as I have a 3B running my Voron currently.

V1 parts arrived, tubes all cut to length, PLA filament arrived, still waiting for the Bigtreetech order to arrive.


I have the CB1 also but since I had the CM4 I couldn’t resist. Here’s the repository for all the BigTreeTech products. Bigtreetech GitHub. You can read ahead before your stuff gets to you.


Look what just arrived :grin:


Very excite to see where this goes.

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It’s going this direction :wink:

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