
What’s your jerk set to? I was having an issue of rough stops and starts around curves. It was at 1 and I raised it to 10 which appeared to help.

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Somewhere between Dennis Leary and Andrew Dice Clay…


Not sure if this is your problem, but a bug in the firmware was identified that causes “jittering / shaking” during curves a few weeks ago. Less than a day ago, V1 dropped new firmware that contains the fix. I believe the fix was just a setting change, so if you are not running V1 firmware, you can do a diff on configuration.h to see the fix.

Edit: I just took a look at the configuration.h file for the lastest V1 release and compared it to what I am running (which has the jittering behavior). CLASSIC_JERK is turned off in the latest release which I believe is directly related to this bug.

Thanks for the help, really appreciate the detailed response!! I think that’s the issue I’m currently having. I’ll upload the firmware and try it out.

Just ran the same program I was having issues with and it’s running great now. Thanks!