Jeffeb3's Neje Laser

It was surprisingly fast. It was 2 passes at 4mm/s, 80% power. It is 1/4" plywood. This neje Laser is no joke. Less than 5 mins, but I didn’t time it.

I still have some testing to go though. The cuts aren’t as clean as I’d like and not consistent enough yet. I think I need a better air assist. This “regular” aquarium pump is pretty small.


4mm/s is to much for 4mm plywood, before i get air assist i used to cut 5mm birtch plywood in 1 pass at 120mm/min 100% so half the speed you use.


The good thing is the base is blocking most of the chance of reflections, and you can’t even attempt to watch it, so much safer. The bad side is you can’t watch it.

Now I need to tune up the Marlin laser section again. Going to need to do some laser challenges, I assume.


I’ll need to replace a few resistors in the laser’s control board so I can supercharge it with a few extra amps. Laser might not last long, but I’m sure to win the challenge! :slight_smile:


Might be cheaper to just lie.

Longest etch with zero flaws?

I had a 6 hour burn in maple when I only had the 2.5w diode.

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How did you like FluidNC?

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It was really pretty nice. And it fixed my laser issue. The user experience is pretty similar though.


I still have the new Bart board for my laser so I can add the z axis. I’m thinking I’ll switch out to FluidNC on it too.

Hey Jeff. Have you made a mount for the LR3 and your laser yet?

The one I made works with the DeWalt mount. I just had to clip the fan mounts, they were interfering.

It just barely clears the bottom.


If you have the Makita, here is mount I designed for my Primo that may work on the LR3 since the laser mounts inside a 65mm tube. (454.8 KB)

I spent a few minutes sanding down the layer lines to get a smooth fit for my machine.


The bottom of the neje needs to be all the way down at the bottom. That’s the only thing. I think Dan used the Makita version. I can’t remember if he got it all the way down or not.

Is there any reason it can’t go in the vac port there? Maybe not high enough for support?

That is a possibility. I wanted to still use the vac with the laser though, just for extra smoke removal.

Ah. Make sense… or even an easy mod space for air assist if possible…
This is so cool as I get ready to build the LR3.

I do want to make a pen mount for the DC port.

I use it for pen plotting quite often. I like to draw the sandify patterns on it.


Yeah I keep thinking about a pen mount. Your idea for using the vac port is Rad! I did that for the instructions but it never occurred to me to have that as the holder. Let me see if I can add a double wishbone there. If not, maybe a pen/knife/laser mount combo.


The Makita version is just a little too tall, and I can’t get the Neje to focus below the core bottom, so I had to remix the DC piece to have a removeable plate. I did get it working after that with the removeable bottom though. There must be some difference with the LR3 DC between the two versions, or else my laser just doesn’t have a long enough focal length lens.

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