Jeffeb3's GridBot v2 build

Pulley grub screws! It is a common (based on the truth) joke around here to check the grub screws. I will check them again next time I get half an hour.

I wonder if part of my problem is that I had the LA too high, which was slowing down my prints, and when I cranked up the speed I didn’t get much benefit. Now they are too high. I was using 9000 for my xy accelerations and my P accel.

Is your Z offset really -3.25 or is that just a good default? That seems very large. Mine is -0.5 or - 0.6.

The BLTouch, when extended, is 3mm below the nozzle. Unless I have that backwards and it’s 3mm above when retracted. Not with the printer right now.

I could have sworn there was a spec that said the bottom of the bltouch case needed to be exactly 8.4mm below the nozzle, and so I adjusted mine that way. It trips just before the nozzle, which is fine, as long as the nozzle is warm. If it has a blob of cold plastic, it can cause problems. It won’t ever catch the BL touch on a curled print corner though, that’s for sure!

I had a wiring issue with the hotend fan. I think that was causing my jam. That seems to be fixed, and the thermistor is holding for now. I installed the stronger bl touch mount. I have the linear advance back down at 0.4 and that’s working well enough. Grub screw was tight.

I think I’m getting the hang of this.


My bltouch is 3.77mm.

I printed a big handle today. I had a great first layer:

There was a little trouble with under extrusion on the close side. The overhang over the close hole also curled up and the part shifted. I am not sure if it was the steppers, but I think it was actually the magnetic sheet shifting.

The part is definitely useable. It took 5.5 hrs to print, which I think is going to be right about midrange for this printer. The top and bottom finish are good. I think the biggest barrier to more speed is the retraction settings. This must include the linear advance settings. It printed the front edge really quick, and the finish in XY is good. But when it does infill, it sort of stops and starts. I haven’t bought the geniune e3d v6 hotend, and I am considering instead buying a hemera for it. I am also still thinking about buying a new bed, but I still really want to like this one.


I really like seeing first layers like this:


Warping starts later, if at all. But of course, such a foundation is essential.

FLP for sure

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@jeffeb3 @vicious1: Can one of you share a link? I’ve been looking around for it but haven’t had any luck.

I will see if I can find one.

Such serendipity though. I was literally coming here to post a pic of what that vase had become:

It’s been sitting in ny desk so I printed a cover for it and it now holds some spare tools that were on my desk. And some pencils.

It’s good plastic after bad, but I think it will make me happy to see it on my desk.

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I’m not sure anyone is interested in the lid, since it fits my stuff. But I can push that somewhere too.

Ha, ha. Awesome, thanks. I’m really impressed with your printer! I’d be interested in your lid part as well.

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Here is the onshape file (so you can mess with the dimensions and make your own holes):

And here is the stl I used: (403.0 KB)

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I go so inspired by this thread so I have to build one too. I’ve got an Ender 5 with extras and I don’t like it very much. I will use your (and Steve’s) builds as a reference and make some tweaks here and there. I have a SKR e3 2.0 and thought of a SKR 1.4 for this build but I stumbled on a Duet2 wifi. I’ve never used Duet/RepRap before and only heard good things about it, so it’ll be fun trying that out on this build.
In fact, I ordered most everything for this build this morning, so now I just have to wait for the parts to show up. Temped to make the cube and plate a little larger as I bought 500mm extruders but I may stick with the 450mm measurements. And go with SSR instead of internal voltage.

Jeff (or anyone else that built it), do you have any video on your printer when it’s in action?

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I have a few, but none recently. My part cooling fan came unhooked and I got a nasty clog. While trying to clear it, I ruined part of the extruder, so it is out of commission for a few days.

Stewart is very active in the gridspace forums and there is a budding couple of folks working on gridbots there.

Shit happens. Thanks for the tip on Gridspace forums. Didn’t know about it before.

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