I want to document the build for my next 3D printer, and I took over another topic for a while, but as the parts are rolling in, I want to make my own clean topic. @stewart, I’ve moved over here
I have been following the BOM, and I have a lot of the stuff already. I ended up ordering the screws from bolt depot, and getting a lot of boxes of 100 instead of the 20 I would need. No sense in paying someone to count them when they can just send me extra. I didn’t see the hammer nuts in the BOM, and some of the screw sizes weren’t perfect, so I ordered one size longer for those. I suspect I can make them work. The flanged LM8UU bearings were supposed to take weeks, but they are here already. The only 8mm rod I found was 500mm, so I have to cut those down. It looks like I need it between 444mm-447mm, and I think I can hit that range. I’m going to shoot for 446mm.
I haven’t found any 1/2" square tube yet. Hobby king has been out of stock, and unless there are a bunch on a boat to their US warehouse, my guess is it would take at least a month to get them from there. So I may design the bed mount around another sized tubing, cut it from one plate, or maybe the local metal super market will have something I can fit.
I haven’t used a bowden before, but I ordered a trainglelabs BMG bowden extruder. I’m not sure the dual gears matters with a bowden more or less than a direct drive :). I ordered the V6 hot end from the BOM. I have a similar one and it works great.
I’m going to convert my CNC to the grbl_esp32 board I have, and use the skr with this printer. Hopefully I will be cruising at such high speeds, the 32 bit will matter (but probably not).
I ordered the 450mm 2020 from misumi, as per the BOM, and they were pretty cheap, and I’m happy with the straightness and squareness of the cuts. I doubt I could have cut them this cleanly.
Here is another picture. Wanhao for reference. Going from an 8" bed to a 12" bed, but not much more desk space.
I’m using Joel’s High Five HTPLA from Proto-pasta, but I ran out yesterday. I love the look, and maybe the HT will benefit it for one or two parts. I should have some more coming today.
Obviously, these dedicated shippers are quickly making me look bad. I will have almost all the bought parts, and weeks of making my own parts left.
Update: The details I’m following are (currently) liked from grid.space :
CAD Model, in OnShape
Bill of Material (BOM)
Open Builds
Image from the CAD drawings:
Another post with detailed photos: