Jackpot SD Problem

So, got my Jackpot up and running - for the most part. Everything was working fine yesterday. Had some small gcode that ran. Today I go out to fire it up and SD card error (x102). Re-formatted using the SD card formatter. Works fine on the desktop, but install in Jackpot and same error.

Card is brand new 32Gig Class 10 U1

Any suggestions? This seems to be a running problem with Jackpot boards.

There’s a discuss regarding sd cards for the jackpot in this thread: Error uploading gcode files via Jackpot+FluidNC webUI

Posted to this to the thread you linked as well…

I had similar problems - one day the SD card was read, next day an error. Happened on multiple cards, 4 gig old and slow, 32 gig new and faster (class 10’s).

So I just flashed the firmware to 3.7.12. All is now well. The old & slow as well as the new and fast - no errors. Swapped back and forth with no issues.

I know the jackpot has a issue with the new high speed sd cards and old ones can be prone to fail under “normal” usage. glad it sounds like updating is working out for you