Error uploading gcode files via Jackpot+FluidNC webUI

Every time I try to upload a gcode file via FluidNC (Jackpot board), it looks like it’s working, then I get an sdmmc_card_init failed code 0x108 error. It fails to acknowledge the SD card anymore, and then requires restarting the Jackpot. It writes the correct filename, but zero bytes.

I can’t do anything with the board without physically moving the SD card to a computer, copying gcode files to it, then moving it back to the jackpot and restarting it.

  • If I move the card back and forth and never try to upload, it works fine. I don’t have to restart the jackpot between uploads.

  • But if I try an upload, it suddenly decides that it can’t read the card any more. It writes a 0-byte file with the expected filename, then the whole thing has to be restarted.

This is killing my workflow. It’s so much fiddling and trying to insert & remove that tiny card constantly. Any recommendations? (I did search the forum, but didn’t see much)

Smaller files usually work OTA like that, but not all. Currently moving the SD card is the best option. My suggestion is having two SD cards. I know for some people that is a huge bummer but it is being worked on actively right now.

WebUI V3 is coming soon and I assume it will have better file handling.

AS to why that works better for some than others, I have no idea, if you have a different SD card I would try that. It is sort of sensitive to SD card speeds and prefers slower ones.

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This example on screen was a 4kb facing operation. Size doesn’t seem to matter.

On top of the above, this is the only SD card I could get to work at all (I don’t have that many micro SD cards). I have formatted them according to whatever was recommended (FAT32? it was a while ago) and this is still the only one that works. (as you said, I think the newer, faster cards are more problematic)

Is there a solid recommended workflow for formatting the cards? It says FAT32, but maybe a particular tool/sequence in Windows or Linux to do it? I’ve tried a lot of different ways, and this was the best. Maybe I just need to find a slower card.

Nonetheless, this problem alone almost makes me want to replace the Jackpot. ANy idea when WebUI V3 is coming?

I bought an SD card from Ryan when I ordered the Jackpot. I have never gotten an error after uploading a file over wifi. I have uploaded files as large as 5 MB so far. Can you get a card like the one he sells?


I don’t know of any other OTA file transfer boards. The only way I know people do it is adding a Raspberry Pi. and you can do that with the jackpot if for some reason this is a dealbreaker.

This has come up a few times and I really do not understand it. Please walk me through the issue. You have to go to the machine and turn it on to be able to transfer a file, then you need to work on your file and transfer it, then you need to be at the machine to use it and make sure fire doesn’t happen. At what point does OTA files transfer help, you have to walk back and forth anyway?

If you want to work on other files while it is running you should not try to transfer a file while in use so a second card could help or you just save the gcode to your desktop and wait to transfer it manually.

As for V3, no idea, three very smart people are now poking at it.

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Are you using STA or AP mode? I highly suggest AP mode so your network is not getting in the way.

What type of card are you using, a picture or direct link is best here?

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Tell me more about the Raspberry Pi option. Is there a write up of that somewhere? Admittedly I’m spoiled with my Octoprint printer and my RPI+Klipper 3D printers. But it’s also because I constantly work on things from different computers in the house, and running around to find SD cards is/should be unnecessary.

Most relevant here is my main Fusion360 design machine is in the basement, MPCNC in garage. I have a home wifi shared drive I currently use for everything. Right now, I move my gcode files to the MPCNC laptop via shared folder, which I then have to move the SD card back and forth to transfer to the Jackpot, which sometimes requires restarting the jackpot, which requires rehoming and resetting my zeros, etc. Additionally, inserting the SD card is at a weird angle and I keep dropping it in the jackpot case and having to fish it out. Not to mention I have to go digging around the shared folder and the SD card each time I want to transfer files.

This would almost disappear if I could just transfer the files from my basement computer directly to the Jackpot via FluidNC. Then I don’t have to deal with resetting anything, moving/dropping SD cards. It would be ready to go when I get to the garage. This is also why I don’t us AP mode – I’d have to disconnect from my home network to use it.

That said, I will try AP mode to see if it solves the problem. But then I add the annoyances of changing wifi networks constantly. Might be the lesser of two evils though. A RPi-based solution might solve all of it though.

Sorry for the long-winded explanation. I hope that’s useful in some way.

PS. Also, I should mention that I like to sometimes open the g-code files on the MPCNC laptop, to tweak a gcode command or something. It’s a royal pain to do the SD dance just to update a line of gcode.

This is exactly it, the same setup.

That should not happen. You can just refresh the SD card. You should not have to reboot, if you do that suggests other issues.

I understand for you it will be a huge convenience. At this time As I suggested before let us know what card you have (as listed in the instructions) some work better than others, AP mode, or the R-Pi. Please never leave your running machine unattended, and even more so even just powered on. The more things you have plugged in (vac, router control), the more likely a button could be pushed on the interface when you are in another room and the machine starts fire happens fast.

I can not stress enough the importance of never being in a different area than the powered on router.

I have no timeline for V3 of the UI.

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My router and vacuum are manual operation only, nothing can be turned on or off from the board except the motors. But your point is still valid, in a general sense.

The SD card usually doesn’t require a reboot. But it has before.

@Britt Thanks for the link, I will try to buy an identical card on Amazon, so I at least have a second one.

@vicious1 So are you recommending RPi + Octoprint as a valid option for running the machine? It works with a Jackpot? It’s been so long I can’t remember how I set it up originally. Is there any info on this? I feel like Octoprint is not an ideal UI for CNC machines. But I’m not trying to get you restate much here, just looking for links to do my own digging.

Yes it valid, my recommendation is moving the card, and CNC.js as well, I have not used it in years. Sorry I can’t be more help.

The UI 3 could happen in days to months so you might just want to give it a chance to happen.


This actually makes it much better for me.

I have always powered mine down completely before removing/inserting the SD card. For whatever reason, I had it in my head not to do that while powered up, which is only a pain because to power it down I have to find something to hold up the gantry from falling into the table.

Makes my life easier using the machine if I can just pull the card and walk back to my computer without the full park cycle

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Which model and type of microSD card are you using? (Picture would be good.)
There’s such a thing as too fast, too big, and bad formatting.

The sweet spot for the Jackpot seems to be 32Gb, FAT32 formatted, Class4.
It seems the faster you get from that, the more folks have problems with them.
I had one that was funky and was 32Gb/FAT32/Class 6. Huge PITA.
Pulled that one out, wiped the partition, then reformatted it with FAT32. Was fine afterwards.

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Yeah, I found an 8GB Class 4 card on Amazon. I’ll try that.

Also, @vicious1 I may have misinterpreted the SD card requiring reboot after pulling it out. It’s likely that I pulled it out when it failed to upload (which requires reboot), then put files on it and reinserted it and then had to reboot for the previous failure, not from reinserting the card. So maybe it’s fine after all…

I will try AP mode, and I will try a new SD card. Thanks guys.


Renzo produced ‘Beeprint’ which runs on MKS boards. It has a file transfer over wifi capability, it works quite well with two caveats - it is slow and you need to leave it to do the transfer without attempting to press any more keys until it has finished the transfer.

Perhaps webui v3 will be better, lets hope so.

This thread has me worried, all of the micro SD cards that I can find locally are class 10, is that likely to cause me problems?

I am not sure why some cards are better than other, some fancy ones work just fine. I am keeping an eye out for any clues as to what the differences might be.

To be safe the one I offer or this one from Amazon are known good ones.

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Thanks, that was helpful, with the more specific search parameters, I was able to find those locally.

As luck would have it, a couple minutes ago, I received a gift card for the place near me that sells the Sandisk 32gb class 4 microsd cards :grin:

Merry Christmas everyone!!

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FYI, of the 3 microSD cards I have, this is the one that I can actually get the machine to acknowledge (with the upload problems that are the basis of this thread). I have no idea what it is, but a picture was requested, so here it is :sweat_smile:

It doesn’t get any more generic than that! No brand or ratings at all. That’s not a good sign.

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