Jackpot possible remix for adding additional ESP32 for WLED?

My worry is that opening a new connection (even just to do a post) might clobber the web interface. I don’t know how the fluidnc web ui is connecting (web sockets, hopefully). But I have seen the network stack on esps literally have a hard coded maximum number of connections. Open a new one and something goes.


That’s awesome!! Can’t wait to see the video and even more can’t wait to FINALLY get home and try it!!

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That might work. I can do YouTube later.


Ok that’s bad ass!! And you are only using one ground from the 5v output to control it correct??

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Looks amazing!!

This kind of coding can be frustrating if you don’t know at first. Especially when it causes a minor bug. Has anyone checked the dev files? I’m guessing someone has done the dirty work for us

That’s awesome. Now I’m going to need LEDs… and a jackpot… I’m already seeing a pattern for a second lr3


Go for it!! I have 2 and want a third. But that one will be a ways out and for plasma!!


From the vmot, gpio.2.


Keeping notes over here, Jackpot + Wled


This sort of hyper-informative reply is just cause for adding the exploding head to the standard emoji responses… :exploding_head:

This is all stuff I’ve read or skimmed at some point during my various adventures into consumer electronicals and the Venn intersection with Makerspaces, but it’s in the realm of things I would never put together on my own. It’s good to hear that somebody is keeping track of important stuff like that, so we don’t screw things up too badly.