Jackpot CNC Control Board official release

It is always best to have something that kills power to your tool and board at the same time in case of a real nasty mistake. I have everything plugged into a power strip screwed to my table with the switch facing up.

While running a job there is a pause button and it works right away not like Marlin. So that is a good option.

Mike’s suggestion is the newest ones for us and has all kinds of options. You can wire any one of those to an input and trigger things to happen if you want. Like park for safety and all of that.


I have a lot to learn with this new board. I look forward to figuring it all out eventually. I have a power strip also that I can turn off quickly if needed. I like the many features of FluidNC. I want to set up some macros and try some physical pins at some point. I am a little worried that I will run into trouble configuring and/or updating the board since I have a Mac. So far I have only seen people running .bat files on Windows to update or upload config files.

The web installer seems to work very well and does all the same stuff. Currently, the restart is a bit funky but if you use disconnect instead it all works the same.

I just updated the DOCs there are always 3 ways to do updates and changes.


Very cool! Mine is on order. Hoping for a USB-C version.

I’m anxious to learn something new in FluidNC. I’ve had my eye on it for months, but haven’t taken the plunge.

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USB-C versions readily available should you not be lucky in the supplied kit.

Always useful to have spare ESP32’s around !

No problem.

Your new Jackpot board is a huge improvement over my old miniRambo Ryan. The size is close enough I could reuse my miniRambo case. My stepper motors run quieter and smoother too. I am VERY pleased with my purchase. Thank you for making this board available!
PS - Have you considered adding comments from your patrons to the store listing about how satisfied we are with our purchase?


AWESOME!!! So glad to hear it!.

Maybe, I never really trust reviews on any actual shop site. I have 1 bad review on google business and I know if I could delete it I would (they never actually bought something…long story). So Even if I thought I would be pretty fair I would delete some if I could.


One option is to paste positive quotes into the sales page description yourself, with a link back to the place on the forum where the user posted the encouraging comment, for verification that the content is real and valid.


Still hard to trust.

I’m sure rhat there are still a bunch of those quotes on shady seller sites thst can still be entirely fake, originating from the seller. After all, if you have not been active on the forum here, you don’t know that these are real people.

As is, there are still people who think some of the regulars here are Ryan’s partners, or employees. I have seen discussion groups (like for one of my 3D printers) where many “happy customers” all had the exact same dubious grasp of English grammar, and made the same spelling and punctuation errors. Riiiiiiiiight…

Kind of akin to trusting a movie review from David Manning. If someone reads through the forum here long enough to trust that we’re real people, they won’t need quotes in the store.

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@SupraGuy — good points.

Maybe I just add links to the gallery. That leads to real users and write ups.


That’s a good plan, kind of what I thought the gallery is for.

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And here I thought it was for my ego, gathering likes. Damn… :stuck_out_tongue:

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Does anyone have a remix of the jackpot case for an MPCNC? Maybe with screw holes or a rail you can hang it on?

I didn’t think about that. Some hanging keyholes would make that compatible with both.


That’s what we are here for. :stuck_out_tongue: Extended brain capacity. :slight_smile:

Looking at it, It might be best to add a French cleat sort of hook. That way it sits as intended and can be removed.


Yeah, that’s what I had in mind when I said a rail… because I’ve never done a French Cleat before and forgot the name… :sweat_smile:

A couple printed parts and some scrap 1/4" material could make a part to hang the LR3 case from. Printed parts to hold a rectangle of 1/4" from at the same angle as the LR3 rear strut plate…