Something strange is going on…I just came back. When i left everything yesterday, i killed the power.
I got back today, started everything up - now the LED1 on the ramp (not the arduino, but the red one!) doesnt glow anymore…
Haven’t touched anything since yesterday.
Yesterday, it worked fine… any clues?
Solved it… I used another laptop (the other one was too weak).
I couldn’t use AUTO on port in Repitier, so i had to actually select COM4, then it worked! All good
The red LED’s are powered by the inner half of the green plug. Those are indicators for the three ports. D8-D10. Should have nothing to do with the laptop.
It just occured to me, since you have a power supply that works would you rather me just credit back your account for the power supply or do you want me to ship you one?
There’s a green LED that flashes once you connect to it i think?
For some reason, it didn’t do that while i had it in AUTO on port - but when i selected a specific port, it lit up - all was working!
No need to credit me or send me anything Ryan!
The fact that you spend time on support and helping me find the issue is good enough!
Thank you kindly!
Awesome, thanks.