Inkscape in Estlcam

Continuing the discussion from InkScape to EslCAM:
As a follow up:
I created an image in Inkscape and want to take it in Estlcam to use the dragknife. I don’t have the file with me, will upoload later. Basically it’s some background graphics, flames, with main image on top. when I save the file, and load into Inlscape, all the lines from the background images are there and I can’t figure out how to delete them. I’ve tried all the “path” functions, combine, intersection ect, but none of them are working.

Looking for suggestions.

I know some CAD programs allow you to create points at every intersection where lines meet, separate the segments at those points and then delete individual segments and then reconnect the segments you’ve kept. Maybe someone knows if there’s a program available to hobby users that has that capability?

I need to see the image. When starting from image instead of a vector file, I frequently pre-process the image in an image editor first so that tracing the bitmap creates the lines I want.

Yeah image necessary to see what needs to be done

Here is the .svg
IT Crowd Fire

here is a snap shot of estlcam

So i am seeing how you created it. Iam surprised that estlcam can see it. In inkscape is there a group feature? Hopefully that will turn it into one image.

Did you turn it off and back on again?

Is it plugged in?

I love that show.

I don’t know how this would be done in Inkscape since I only use very specific features of the program. In Lightburn:

  • Ungroup all objects
  • Create an outline of the man. In Lightburn I can use an offset tool with a small value to “automatically” create the outline.
  • Using duplicate copies of the outline as a “cutter,” and subtract the outline from individual flames that intersect the man outline.

The results look like this:

And if I put the man back in:

There are a number of things going on here that may or may not apply to Inkscape. First, with complex paths there is the concept of inside vs. outside. When you do a subtraction, you are subtracting the inside of one path from the inside of another path. In the case of the man, the filled (black) areas are considered inside. The outline in my steps above, create a simple path that can be used to cut your flames:


SVG files are often composed of multiple paths that are grouped together. I don’t know if it is true in Inkscape, but in Lightburn, you must ungroup these paths and apply the subtraction operation to two individual paths.