I need help....:(.. PLEASE PLEASE

So…im a noob on cnc…everyone so far has been extremely nice and helpful…but I’m still getting alot of opinions. Which cause more questions…

I was gifted a machine…it’s a primo with a jackpot board…I’m a complete noob…

I can find anything in the forum for wiring…( Act like I’m a 5 year old wiring diagram)

Understanding the difference between Marlin and GRBL …

What is fluidNC and it’s relationship to the board?.

How in God’s name does Anyone know off hand as a noob…how to set up a tool path, or setups…what but…etc…

If anyone… anyone lives in Houston ,Tx…that would be helpful…or surrounding counties…


Wiring is in the instructions. The Jackpot is labelled as X Y Z A B C. Install the motors as X1, Y1, Z, X2, Y2, (empty).

Creating a toolpath is milling basics.

Start with the test crown. This is a tool path already created that should just work.

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Thanks for the reply…

Labeled on the board?

I also have a four pin connector coming from the Z .
Down to the track…but it only has a two pin connector… very frustrating…

Tried to add a link to a video. But the system won’t let me…seems like that should be something people should be able to do…

I’m almost ready to just throw my hands up and just get an actual CNC machine

Good call to open a forum topic. We’ll help you.

Primo documentation starts here.

I see that there isn’t a simple wiring diagram there. @vicious1 or Primo builders- is it somewhere not obvious?

You have a Jackpot so the connectors plug in like this:

Marlin is machine control software originally written for 3D printers and whicj can support CNC.
GRBL is machine control software originally written for CNC. It was extended to 32-bit and then new software called FluidNC was derived from that.

FluidNC is the sortware that runs the Jackpot board.

They ask for help, just as you did. We’ll help you from there.

First up, though- let’s get your machine assembled and wired.
Then we’ll start on the rest.

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Keep posting. You’ll get past the anti-spam filter shortly.

You have an actual CNC machine.
At your state of learning, you could get a $100,000 machine or a $1M machine and be just as stuck due to needing to learn. You’ll learn a lot more from assembling your machine which will serve you well if you stick it out.


For the most part the machine was assembled without the router but unfortunately my son is helping me move it disconnected the wires from the board

So one of the things that’s kind of concerning is that I have a four-pin connector coming from the z down to the track and there’s only a two pin male connector to go into it so am I missing something??

I will take a few pictures in the morning and add it to the thread thank you everyone for your help

Can you use easel pro with the jackpot board…it’s Grbl…

My friend said it came straight from V1…so I’m sure it’s flashed with Marlin…

Z stepper motor plugs in here

You may have an extension cable buried in the machine somewhere…

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Not if it has a Jackpot. Marlin doesn’t run on a Jackpot board.


So…some other members have given me link to the primo “assembly”…

Nothing is clear…most seems 6-7 years old .

Almost all the videos on YouTube are old…
Why hasn’t anyone done a start to finish build video…
Seems like for a “DIY” unit… That would be a great idea…

I’m sure most of you are experienced with the forum and v1s documentation… But just saying X1,X2…etc…doest explain…like how to run your cabling… What connects to what…the. To the board …

Lovely…that’s what he told me…so what does jackpot have???

Guess I’m tearing it down tomorrow…fun… :cry:

If this seems bitter or in any way sarcastic, please forgive me, but you asked for help one hour ago, and if I read this correctly you are giving up?

There are a lot of people here who will walk you through step by step, but it takes more than an hour to have a conversation with people who are often on the other side of the world.

I have built a couple of machines, and I can make them do stuff, but I am just a tiny bit further down the learning curve to you, but I can do it because I rely entirely on the instructions to get me there (and advice from this mob if I get stuck) - if you have a Primo the old instructions are perfect, and you won’t get confused as you are now if you read them carefully and go through the machine step by step as though you are building it from scratch, you will gain a better understanding of how to go about this. You will know what questions to ask.

It’s an anti spam measure until you have a couple of posts on board - just abbreviate it in a way that we can interpolate it - or send me a message with it and I’ll post it.

@MakerJim has answere this but in this case, understanding is your enemy, both are firmware “flavours”, neither are relevant if you have a Jackpot board.
Can you confirm that with a photo please?

If you have a Jackpot board, it’s the firmware. You don’t need to worry about that at all if the machine is working - if it’s not let’s worry about that when you need to.

For now - you need to confirm that it is a Jackpot board, then follow the build steps (and each wire to make sure they haven’t been plugged in at random)

Go here - start at the beginning check every assembly step just to make sure everything is OK, belts and bearings are in the correct places, then for the wiring (if it is the jackpot board) START HERE

Seriously? If you do that, please do come back and let us know how you got on!


what do you mean " Seriously? If you do that, please do come back and let us know how you got on!"???

the message was about the z wire… someone had stated that i have a hidden wire… so i said i have to tear it down

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Peter… i tried to respond but the system flagged me as a bot or spam…

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Thank you jim.

Jim… here is my board… im probably going to bed soon… so ill check up in the morning

You’re welcome. That’s a Jackpot. We’ll get this sorted out.
Pictures of your machine, we’ll trace the wires and no need to tear anything down yet.

I’ll be at work tomorrow so will be spotty, but the community will keep helping- and I will to as I get time.