I need help....:(.. PLEASE PLEASE

It appears my initial post is flagged…urghhh… This is so stressful

It says it was “flagged by the community”.

@vicious1 may have to step in and see what’s going on and if someone reported it.


We’ll sort it out. @viscious1 takes Sundays off. Monday he can jump in and look.

I’ll keep helping if you keep a positive attitude and get your hands on fixing up that machine.

We’ll go from there.


It seems you made a second user name and have 2 logins now. So it might have been picked up by the spam filter. Ryan will get it sorted.

Thanks, I’ve received your message and appreciate it! :+1:

My reply up there was a few minutes before the kendo class I teach, so I was a bit rushed.

For assembling the machine, the V1 documentation for the Primo is pretty good. That machine has been around a while and the documentarion is solid.

The build info gets the mexhanics down, and the Jackpot info (Jackpot CNC Controller - V1 Engineering Documentation) should have you able to suss the wiring.

So long as you set up the correct coordinate system it’s all good.

Which side is X0 and which is X1 (or for the Y axis) doesn’t actually matter as long as the end stop and motor are correctly paired, and fixing it all isn’t difficult. Try not to be too impatient, and we will get you out of the noob category soon enough!


Thank you …

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Could you please stick to one account Jared and delete the other one? This is confusing. :smiley:

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I only have this account…do you know the other account…
I literally made my account and started this post so I’m not really sure what’s going on…

You have this one…

and looks like this one too…

Same name, but different user names. IDK if you made one account from your computer and another from your phone. But you can log in to the same account from multiple places

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So the “FRAG311” isn’t you?

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Yes…urghh… I just checked my Google passwords…

Last night when I went to go to the forum. It didn’t opt for login so…i just used " log in with Google". I didn’t realize/ remember I had another account… my apologies…

Is there a way to delete?

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Welcome in Jared. I will sort out what I can with the posts above.

You have all the heavy hitters in here trying to help you, you are in good hands.

I have a suggestion. Stick with one question at a time. You kinda just asked about everything all at once and that is going to get you links to everything. For example you have a jackpot, it runs fluidnc, you don’t really need to know that.

You should be clear of the spam/bot filters by now, showing us a picture of your wires and machine would be a good idea.


ok guys… here are some pics with comments

dang it… google logged me in… sorry guys… is there anyway to delete the " FRAG 311 ACCOUNT?


any account is fine just do not use both or you will keep getting flagged as spam.


ok… i beleve im logged into the right account… the issue was … i think… when i first cam onto v1… i was the web page… i assumed you needed another for the forum… so when provided the link… it asked me to log in with google vs the account for V1

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so… apparently my other account can load up to 5 pictures while this one can only do one… this is the first forum… ive been apart of… this is all so confusing…

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