Has anyone been able to use the Huanyang FC01 VFD with Bart Dring’s Isolated RS485 CNC I/O Module to control the spindle? I have been reading and reading on this, I am beginning think this model of VFD is incompatible.
The HY series sounds like the VFD that has been tested. I am hoping someone can confirm this is the case.
For the record I have the spindle working as it should if I control it from the VFD keypad.
Get your module installed, wired and edit the config.yaml as showed, remember to input the vfd parameters into the vfd as requested. Should work inmediatly (Bart testing was with HY VFD)
You have discovered my quandary, inputting the parameters into the FC series VFD are different than those for the HY series. I found the settings in the Fluidnc Wiki but I am unable to use them. The FC series doesn’t have the PD### format. it is P###.##. I have spent hours in the manual but the correct inputs have eluded.
I have used this online manual so I could use the search function, still no answer has presented itself.
I did edit the confi.yaml file but put it back once I was unable configure the VFD.
You may be out of luck. Fluidnc have the config fir the P2 series vfd and the HY variants.
In the manual for yours it says it works with rs485 so it is possible, could you send an email to your seller and ask them to vrovide the parameters you beed with your spindle?
That is the same conclusion I came to. I found the reference to rs485 but was unable to find the parameters required to use it, Frustrating!
I will send a request off to Huanyang, see what I can stir up.
I didn’t realize I was not getting the same model that had been tested with Fluidnc, actually made sure I purchased a Huanyang specifically for this reason.
OH the pitfalls of DYI!
The learning never ends.
Again, thank you for looking into this for me.
Follow this link reading carefully i think i found the way to make it work (a lot of reading). Please revise your wiring from vfd to spindle and vfd to controller module.
They are written in the same order as the HY vfd config fluid calls on their page. (Please before input the parameters read your manual and confirm each parameter do what is supposed to do comparing it to the wiki from fluid, i can make mistakes -if you don’t understand something i wrote please ask i used a lot of spanish in it)
OH I will, had to wait until this morning to get back to it.
Thank you for the help! I spent several hours looking for this with no success.
You are the “MAN”!
Mmm no, it was just a read job on my part. The cfd is capable of communication with the module, just the Bart team have not tested this one. I’m pretty sure it will work, i have matched the settings, but some are dependant on your particular spindle -how many kw, -it uses 220v or 110v, if it is wc/air cooled
The results are not good.
The FC01 only supports Data Formats of N81, E81, O81, N82, E82, and O82. Page 64 in the manual.
What is needed is 8N1. I have tried N81 & N82, when I put these into config.yaml I loose the SD Card.
With the VPN set at N81, the TX LED on Bart Dring’s Isolated rs485 card blinks about twice a second, the RX LED is on solid. I tried swapping the wires per the instructions, did not work.
At this point I am arriving at the conclusion this VFD doesn’t support the necessary protocol to be able to communicate with the rs485 card.
If you have any other ideas I will be happy to give it a go but I am out of ideas.
Thank you for all you help, this is a real head scratcher.
looks like we are looking a diferent manual, could you provide me a link or a copy ot it? in the manual im reading the parameters you need are in the page 67
8N1 and N81 should be the same protocol: 8 data bits, no parity, and 1 stop bit
this is from page 67 of the HuangYang FC01 VFD im looking at
can you upload your config.yaml or at least the spindle section for it?
txd_pin: gpio.#
rxd_pin: gpio.#
rts_pin: gpio.#
on the jackpot controller with the module the example from the isolated module from fluidnc is for a jackpot:
txd_pin: gpio.14
rxd_pin: gpio.13
rts_pin: NO_PIN
baud: 9600
mode: 8N1
these must match the gpio on your controller. let me take a look on a jackpot board and the isolated modules ( i run the original one i havent installed the new one )
PLEASE BE AWARE THAT FORMATING matters in the config.yaml, any space added in the lines could affect your controller
Register Value Description
**P00.01** 2 Communication running command channel
**P00.03** 400 BASE FREQ
**P00.04** 400 MAX FREQ
**P00.05** 100 MIN FREQ
**P00.13** 0 o 1 0 default, 1 INVERSE TURN ( Only Change it if it spins backwards when you turn the spindle on)
**P00.14** 4Khz 0.75-2.2Kw Motor
**P02.01** 1500 SPINDLE POWER ( YOUR CASE: 1.5KW = 1500)
**P02.02** 400Hz IF YOU CAN CHANGE THE STOCK FREQ. MAKE THIS 400hz from 50Hz
**P02.04** 220 SPINDLE VOLTAGE/ YOU MUST SELECT 220V manually
**P02.05** 6.818181818 AMPS MAXIMUN for the SPINDLE. ( 1500/220)
**P14.01** 3 Baud rate 9600BPS
**P14.02** 0 N81 o 8N1
I took the config.yaml from a post on this forum.
when I changed the “mode: 8N1” to “mode: N81” I lost communication with the SD Card in the Fluidnc web interface. I also changed “rts_pin: gpio.13” to “rts_pin: NO_PIN” at one point but didn’t see any difference. I have upladed more than necessary to show where and how I placed the uart2 information.